InLeo vs Social media platforms: Which one is more unique and why?

in voilk •  5 months ago

    edited and created using Canva.

    I've been using InLeo since almost more than two years and using other social media platforms from years.. there's a lot of things unique about InLeo that are better than multi billion dollars social media platforms.

    From the first day since I joined InLeo community... I've seen different development and things going on to make infra and user experience more better and now it works perfectly in my honest opinion from my personal experience.

    Incase you ever wondered what makes InLeo unique from other SocialFi or social media platforms with billion dollars value.

    Things that Makes InLeo Unique from other Social Media Platforms

    First of all it's the community that makes it unique compared to others.. I've been using social media platforms like twitter, Facebook etc from years and one thing I found about it is that place is toxic.

    Image by Bob Dmyt from Pixabay

    Full of trolls and abuse meanwhile on Inleo it's been almost two years I've not met a person like that who got that toxic, abusive or trolls like thing.

    Everyone gives their opinion on something that makes sense and I guess people are more educated here or the fear of getting Downvote keeps people in their fine lane.

    2. Every Action on Inleo is Monetized

    Making countless of posts and tweets on web 2.0 platforms doesn't bring anything other than couple of likes but on Inleo it's like your every action from making a comment to posting a thread or a long form post.

    Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

    It can be monetized instantly when someone with enough HP or LP votes.

    Something unique that's better than X like they've limited that monetization for specific people when they met that threshold but anyone on Inleo can earn from first day that requires some efforts and honest work.

    3. Plenty of incentives on Inleo

    From the first day there's always some kind of incentives for people to engage with like LPUD, majority of users collectively power up Leo accumulated during the month.

    Image by Erik Lucatero from Pixabay

    Incentives like premium perks and some others like weekend threading and more that's fun as well as rewarding.

    I do like ad revenue sharing part.. all of the web 2.0 platform makes billion from ads and they share a limited percentage with users but we've that ad revenue on Inleo that goes to active users.

    Wrapping Up...

    In the end there's plenty of things unique about InLeo and it's evolving into something better everyday. I highlighted some of things about InLeo that's unavailable on other social media platforms with billions of dollars funding.

    The way things are going on and being worked on is positive and in the near future we'll see more and more people joining this unique space where they can freely give their opinions and says things without afraid of getting banned or something.

    Let me know what you found unique about InLeo that's not in the other platforms? Do share it in the comments.


    Your support is much appreciated. Don't Forget to hit Upvote, Comment and Re-blog.

    Thanks for reading.

    All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 17/02/2024.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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