Curation Taking Over

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hi fellow Hiveians,

    Today I wanted to talk about how things shift for me as far as rewards, and how I'm not upset about that!


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    Curation Taking Over

    With the growth of my Hive Power, one of the things that I occasionally hop over and take a look at are my rewards. I am not going to lie and say that I don't appreciate seeing the growth and understanding how it applies to the future growth opportunities. I have been noticing, and enjoying, how much my curation rewards are picking up the more Hive Power I am accumulating!

    My curation rewards are slowly but surely passing my Hive Power rewards on the 7 day and 30 day chart! I have been noticing this happening occasionally here and there on some of the charts but the gap is starting to widen, and it's becoming more consistent! I don't know if that means my overall rewards are going down because the posts I am putting out are not getting picked up or if it's just that things are getting to a more even state and I am getting to that steady line instead of a parabolic or logarithmic trajectory.


    I took these two screenshots several weeks apart, I think actually likely a month or more apart. They are showing largely the same story though! Earning about 200 Hive Power per month is a really good number for most people, myself included, for post rewards and comments. I will take those numbers any day of the week that's for sure. I could certainly aim for higher but it's a respectable value regardless, so I will say that I am not going to complain about that.

    Where I've been noticing it creeping up and up though, is the curation side of it! I have been stacking away Hive Power like it's my job for quite a while now, never having Powered Down any Hive and always putting as much into Hive Power as I can, so that I can increase that stack for the future. What I've been noticing a lot more of in terms of that though, is that my curation rewards are steadily going up and that's been really positive to see happening. Just in a month or a little bit more, I was able to gain an additional 7 Hive Power in curation compared to the previous month and that's from adding to Hive Power through the curation rewards and claiming the rewards daily, which adds a chunk of Hive Power as well.


    These are pretty decent returns, combined with the 3% inflation rate of Hive, that's a pretty healthy and steady return on investment for an asset like Hive Power. I know a lot of people chase the HBD and 20% rewards that it offers, which I do as well of course, but for me, Hive Power is the better gamble and the more useful asset long-term.

    I know we won't have 20% APR on HBD savings accounts forever, and things may come home to roost in terms of that stuff but at least with Hive Power, we can be fairly certain that it is going to continue in importance for governance yes but also for the rewards aspect of it.


    Having built this account from the ground up, with some occasional investments from outside assets brought in, I am pretty happy with the progress that it's made over the last couple years. Posting once a day certainly helps, but seeing the raw numbers like this helps drive some of those points home.

    I will end by saying that yes it is great to see the numbers and how they are going up and improving but I would be nothing without the platform and the engagement it offers, and I offer it back. The comments, interactions and friendships that I've made on here are the most important aspect of it all so that can't be over-stated for sure! I think those are worth their weight in Hive Power in the long run, because who we surround ourselves with is such an important thing these days. It's best to be with good people instead of with a whole bunch of assholes!

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    -CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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