Mi Hermosa Gong Shim, Romantica y Divertida (Reseña) // My Beautiful Gong Shim, Romantic and Fun (Review)

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    Saludos queridos cinéfilos, bienvenidos a mi blog y a la comunidad de #MoviesTVShow, espero hayan tenido un estupendo fin de semana y hayan podido disfrutar de una película o serie de televisión en la comodidad de su hogar como. Les cuento que yo terminé ayer de ver esta serie coreana y me gustó, es romántica y divertida, le doy un 8.5 en mi escala de 10 puntos. Consta de 20 capítulos y la pueden encontrar en la plataforma de Netflix.

    Greetings dear movie buffs, welcome to my blog and the #MoviesTVShow community, I hope you had a great weekend and were able to enjoy a movie or television series in the comfort of your home. I tell you that I finished watching this Korean series yesterday and I liked it, it's romantic and fun, I give it an 8.5 on my 10-point scale. It consists of 20 chapters and can be found on the Netflix platform.


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    Gong Shim vive con sus padres y hermana, siempre ha vivido a la sombra de su hermosa hermana mayor ya que sus padres siempre han sentido predilección por ella, hasta el punto que Gong Shim habia pensado que era adoptada. Su hermana es abogada, bella y exitosa, siendo el sostén de la familia, mientras que Gong Shim es poco agraciada y para empeorar todo tiene que utilizar pelucas porque está sufriendo de pérdida de cabello debido al estrés, no pudo terminar sus estudios y no ha logrado encontrar un trabajo a tiempo completo por lo que ha tenido muchos trabajos a medio tiempo que no ha podido conservar, se siente torpe y fracasada.

    Gong Shim lives with her parents and sister, she has always lived in the shadow of her beautiful older sister since her parents have always had a predilection for her, to the point that Gong Shim had thought she was adopted. Her sister is a lawyer, beautiful and successful, being the breadwinner of the family, while Gong Shim is unattractive and to make matters worse she has to wear wigs because she is suffering from hair loss due to stress, she could not finish her studies and has not managed to find a full-time job so she has had many part-time jobs that she has not been able to keep, she feels clumsy and a failure.


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    El sueño de Gong Shim es estudiar en Italia, ella tiene talento para el dibujo, así que para conseguir el dinero le renta su habitación en la azotea a un abogado que trabaja para personas necesitadas, sin cobrar en la mayoría de las veces. Ahn Dan Tae es excéntrico y estrafalario, gusta de vestir con ropa cómoda y chanclas, el cambiará la vida de Gong Shim y su percepción sobre ella misma, animandola en todo momento a perseguir sus sueños y estando siempre allí para apoyarla.

    Ahn Dan Tae tiene un pasado que no recuerda, en el transcurso de la serie descubrira el secreto que guarda su padre y su tía el cual cambiara su futuro. En esta parte no quiero hacer espoiler para que vean la serie.

    Gong Shim's dream is to study in Italy, she has a talent for drawing, so to get the money to do it she rents her room on the roof to a lawyer who works for needy people, most of the time free of charge. Ahn Dan Tae is eccentric and quirky, he likes to dress in comfortable clothes and flip-flops. He will change Gong Shim's life and her perception of herself, always encouraging her to pursue her dreams and always being there to support her.
    Ahn Dan Tae has a past that he does not remember, in the course of the series he will discover the secret that his father and his aunt keep, which will change his future. In this part I don't want to give spoilers so you can watch the series.


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    Me encanto el personaje de Gong Shim y lo adore en todo momento, es una chica muy dulce que provoca protegerla y abrazarla de los maltratos de sus padres y hermana, en mi opinión la actriz supo interpretar su papel a la perfección. El toque de ingenuidad que le aporto la peluca al personaje estuvo genial y me gusto mucho, ella se ve como una niña hermosa.

    I loved the character of Gong Shim and adored her at all times, she is a very sweet girl who makes me protect her and hug her from the mistreatment of her parents and sister. In my opinion, the actress knew how to play her role perfectly. The touch of naivety that the wig brought to her character was great and I really liked it, she looks naive and beautiful.


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    La historia de amor entre Gong Shim y Ahn Dan Tae estuvo bastante creíble y se sintio la quimica que tuvieron en pantalla, hubo momentos lindos y divertidos que me hicieron reir y suspirar de amor. Ahn Dan Tae es muy guapo y su personaje estuvo lleno de picardia, amo su sonrisa. En fin la serie es buena de principio a fin y no me parecio aburrida a pesar de tener mas capitulos de los que estoy acostumbrada en una serie correana.Los invito a verla y espero les guste tanto como a mi, me despido queridos hivers, abrazos.

    The love story between Gong Shim and Ahn Dan Tae was quite believable and you could feel the chemistry they had on screen, there were cute and funny moments that made me laugh and sigh with love. Ahn Dan Tae is very handsome and his character was full of mischief, I love his smile. In short, the series is good from start to finish and I didn't find it boring despite having more chapters than I'm used to in a Correa series. I invite you to watch it and I hope you like it as much as I do, I say goodbye dear hivers, hugs .


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    Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular Redmi 9, editadas con PowerPoint y Photoshop CS5 // Texto traducido por Google Translate.

    Photos of my property taken with my Redmi 9 cell phone, edited with PowerPoint and Photoshop CS5 // Text translated by Google Translate.


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