My definition of success

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Success is not a straight line

    Everyone wants to be successful. The definition of success is a subjective and complicated one. What one person considers success is different from what another person considers success.

    For me, success means several things. Firstly, I believe success is about fulfillment. Not many people can say they are fulfilled. Understanding this would make you appreciate the little things. For some people, success means earning so much money, winning a competition, finishing a course, building a house or company. But even after achieving all of this, some people are unhappy.


    Fulfillment involves doing something you're proud of and being satisfied with it. When you're fulfilled, you will appreciate the family you have, the time you spend with them, the progress you've made, the things you have. It may not be much, but you're satisfied.

    To sum up, the successful ones are the fulfilled ones. Those who have accomplished, and are fulfilled with what they have accomplished.

    I believe success means getting to the point where you live life on your own terms. This is the best level one can get to in life. When you live life on your own terms, it means you don't have to depend on anyone for basic things. It means being able to do with your time what you want to do with it without any dire consequences. I've seen people who are rich and can afford not to work, and they won't suffer consequences or lose anything. They can afford to spend more time with family, engage in recreational activities and do the things they love. On the other hand, there are those who are rich, but can't afford to not work all the time, otherwise they could lose so much or face consequences.

    Being successful entails being able to go where you want, do what you want, be who you want, without having to depend on or look to anyone. That is living life on your own terms.

    Lastly, success is about legacy. The successful ones leave a legacy. There are many ways to leave a legacy. One popular way is by touching people's lives. One can touch people's lives by donating or even volunteering. There are a lot of people who, on a daily basis, need someone to help them. Coming to the aid of such people, helping them in the crucial moments would go a long way in their lives.

    It's a gesture they'll never forget. We don't necessarily have to be in positions of power to leave a legacy. We can do it in our own little way. When we make it a duty to do incredible things that benefit others, we will be remembered for a long time. That is a huge part of being successful.

    As I conclude, I just want to state that success is a hydra-headed concept. The possibilities are limitless when it comes to finding a perfect meaning to success.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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