
in voilk •  25 days ago


    Hello, this burguer is a yesterday work i made with the bro (u can see the full work in he's profile) for a fastfood store.

    The walls have a really bad condition to work with pencils butnm we still do it.


    The initial idea was making simple low cost desing, but we find out that it looks empty and dead for a food place, so we add some colours and a oink piwerline to make looks a little lighter.

    We use to do desings in other styles, this could be a realistic burguer but we need to do what the client want. Even if we have something better in mind.


    • U have suggestions?


    This place need to be done tomorrow, since the Alien Art have lot of talented brains i can accept all the minimalist/lines ideas fir this place.

    • Thats not all for the weekend!

    I manage to save some paint from last weekend, with water and "cal" is enought to paint.

    • Look;


    • thats how the "cal" looks like.

    Is good for base on this raw walls.


    • want to see the result?

    Stay close for next StreetArt session, will post final piece tomorrow.


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