Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #1

in voilk •  last month

    By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

    No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

    Today in thoughtfulness....jpg

    #ThougfulDailyPost - Diderot and Epictetus by @zekepickleman

    I must be 50 thoughtful memes ahead since I haven't Zeke Thoughtsed since April! @Wesphilbin waves the flag for us and runs @thoughtfulposts as the curation account that rewards thoughtful posts. Please consider delegating if you are the thoughtful type and want to encourage people to share their positivity. I present a couple thoughtful posts that caught my attention, made me think a little, and motivated me to share with the world for thoughtfuldailypost. Plus a little bonus music to match each

    Are Buddhists Soulless Shells? by @dbooster

    I remember when I was a pretty young kid, around five or six, I happened to turn on a movie when I was sick at home one day. I turned it on during one scene. There had been a murder (I think) in a place where there was a set group of people. It might have been a ship. The group of people were standing around and I remember one of the characters said "One of this group has no soul"

    Broken Friendship by @ibbtammy

    When we hear people say “ They don’t have friends or Friendship is not their thing” and a bunch of other things that discredit friendships, we can’t help but wonder what planet they fell from or what broke them to the point where they do not believe in friendship or want to give friendship a chance. Friendship is beautiful, no scratch that friendship is golden and especially when you are with someone who understands you. Friendship is being there for people you love, encouraging them, supporting them, and having their backs when necessary but you see when a close friend hurts you? It hits deeper than 10 strangers coming together to hurt you. You get hurt to the point where you wouldn’t mind shutting everyone out and being over with making friends

    Mi Diario: 2 junio 2024 // My Diary: June 2 2024 by @palomap3

    Hola, querido hiver. Con el cambio de mes me gusta hacer una pequeña parada para mirar desde otra perspectiva cómo me encuentro en lo que hago y en cómo me siento respecto a ello. Mayo ha sido un mes algo complicado porque no he conseguido manejar el tiempo de la manera que me habría gustado. Me he dejado llevar por mi imparable curiosidad y eso me proporciona más información de la que necesito. Sí, que no te engañen, es cierto que la información es poder, pero también su exceso es perjudicial

    There's still time to... by @balikis95

    Yeah, time. The main thing that keeps pushing us forward even when all hope is gone. "There's still time to get there, I just have to move another step," says a tired soul, and the cost of it may yield something good in the future or the opposite. The cost of living in our world now is terrifying. One minute, you think you've got the money to get something, and the next minute, there's frustration and anger as the price of things doubles

    Nothing You Can Teach Me by @honeydue

    Title of this one's a bit of a lie. Only a smidge. To keep things interesting. I actually think you can learn from all interactions in your life, no matter how seemingly random or inconsequential. And finally, I'm at a point in my existence where I can do that

    Silence Is Golden - Duct Tape Is Silver... by @mondoshawan

    Yes yes yes, the Internet and its children... 😁 It's been a little over thirty years since the first graphical browser ")" heralded a new way of communicating. A first step towards todays world of digital images. At the time it was the next step in the evolution of 's idea at the end of the 1980s, to introduce a means of communication based on the hypertext principle for free exchange of information among scientists. Why I am raising this topic has to do with the fact that my personal experience of using this medium today leaves a stale taste in my mouth

    What Is The Right Path? by @tranquil3

    This post is in response to ericvancewalton's How would you describe your faith journey? My answer: I was born into a family of christians, my parents were Anglican faithfuls and so were my grandparents on both sides. So it stands to reason that I would naturally follow in their footsteps.... er... more like a family tradition

    The Power of Kindness in Action by @nbats

    Hello everyone, this is my first time participating in an IndianUnited contest. Check out . Today I am going to share a story about a time when I saw kindness in real life. and it changed the way I look at the world created with canva It was Tuesday morning, right after school tiffin period. The playground was buzzing with kids running around

    Solace in solitary by @rayoo

    Peace is priceless and true happiness is matchless. When you can get all these things from within, you will experience true freedom. I have been an introvert all my life which has made me learn to live alone without being lonely. I know we will always need people in life but that doesn't mean we have to live our lives dependable on people. I can't say I have lived in total solitary because I have had a beautiful family and the most amazing friends

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    That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

    Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!

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