It's a fish... with a hole in its back

in voilk •  3 months ago


    I have never asked my aunt what this crochet table mat represented.
    My first thought was a fish with a hole in its back, and it stayed my second thought too. What else it could be?

    Ok, I know it is not a guessing contest here so we can think whatever we want, but I see the eyes, the tail, the whole body...

    My student who came today for his piano lesson saw the crotchet items on the table and commented that it is very Eastern European style of things I gathered there to take these photos. And that it is somehow a "granny" style. Maybe I am getting old? 😂


    I found several crotchet table mats, though I have more. Somewhere, in one bag that I didn't have time to search for... these are also nice examples of the fruits of my deceased aunt's hobby. She crocheted so many table mats, tablecloths, decorations, and laces and gave me a handful of them. I don't use them as decoration on my furniture like it was the tradition many decades ago in my family. I just keep them as a memory. I got them more than 20 years ago.


    This one is bigger and I folded it in 4 for this photo. I don't know how much time someone needs to finish an item like this one... those who crochet or knit would know it better. And so many nice details they have.


    I have never learned to crochet or knit although I remember that my aunt and grandmas wanted to show me how to do it. I was a bad student for this activity.

    So, I am surprised that one young lady learned by herself to knit items like this:


    When my son got it as a gift we thought that it was not possible that it was handmade. However, we were wrong. The next item that arrived was a bigger garment. A huge blue sweater with white flowers. First, she made the small parts and then knitted them together.


    I liked it so I asked my son can I wear his gift. He was not thrilled but I tried it anyway 😁
    The luck is on his part - it is too big for me so I can't steal it from him.


    The next knitted items might be funny for those who live in warm parts of our globe, but those who have met cold winters will find these knitted socks useful. Very useful when you can't warm up your feet in any other way.

    I got them from my mom, but a little accident happened to the white pair of socks. I washed them in warmer water than should so they decreased in size but my feet didn't! 😂

    Now I can't wear them anymore. Just the grey ones with the orange and yellow flowers.


    All these crochet and knitted items travelled today to my blog as I got a little inspiration from some answers from this post. It was the HPUD guessing contest held by @livinguktaiwan where she asked about an item she showed in her post. She will announce her winners in her post, but my part was the extra section. It is explained there how I got 25 HP to be shared further if there would be some interesting and creative comments I liked.

    Well, there were quite a few answers to the question What am I that caught my attention.

    From the open mouth of a fish, like @leaky20 said, or spider webs of different kinds coming from Hivers like @hoosie, @alonicus or @incublus (oh, there some snakes were included too). We also had some answers that included leisure activities - @edje was in the mood to play golf and he would use the mysterious object as a golfball catcher/goal, while @duskobgd would use it as a sunshade to protect himself from the sun while fishing.

    An elegant and educated lady would use that item as a lady's parasol - I learned it from @lizelle, so maybe I should have one while I take my walks. @nanixxx doxxed the host of the April HPUD guessing contest saying it was LUT's artwork displayed in the Fado museum. In case we want to visit that museum and Portugal itself, the easiest way would be to use a portal but be careful as you can end up in a pastry shop; according to @ahmedhayat, it is an open cave leading to the sweet world of Portugal.

    If you are reading this little summary you are still human and not made out of crochet. Well, it could easily happen if you fall into the Woven portal to an inter-dimensional wormhole of time travel. That's true, I read it in @ablaze's answer and he had a lot of photos as proof - Snowpea. Hope you are still not lost in all these answers... as imagine now being a giant and having half a bra - you would laugh a lot, right? It happened to me while reading the answer that @grindle left to our imagination.

    As a judge who has the freedom to choose one or more answers to this part of the contest, my decision goes into sharing the reward of the promised 25 HP. The answer I laughed at the most is receiving 5 HP (and I will not even try to find the other half of the bra), and the other users that I mentioned in this summary are receiving 2 HP each. Sharing is caring, and this little exercise was meant to increase our creativity and have fun and engagement with each other. If you don't agree with the decision of the judge... well, you can try to catch me with that item you saw in the April HPUD Guessing Contest post and throw me to the bottom of the ocean.


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