My life matters to me

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The world is expanding every day and the more it expands the more everyone is exposed to the social world.

    We now live in a social world, because there is nothing you can't find or see when you are a social person, the more you mingle all around the more you have much experience about being a social person.

    But if I should count myself among people I can't count myself as a social person simply because I don't like to mingle, I am sure people will think that I am a loner but no, I am not I just like doing my thing alone and all by myself. When I was single, I tried this thing called social life before but I noticed that the more I mingled with people the more I lost my direction in life.

    Some years ago when I was single, I was living with my Mom and of course, my mom is a very disciplined person so all the waywardness I was learning from being a social person I couldn't bring it home so my friends advised me to rent an apartment
    I was working and of course, I had money to get an apartment but my mom insisted that I stay in her house until the person who wanted to marry me was ready to come pick me up. She is a very cultured person, I mean who does that in this era? But I had no choice so I stayed in her house while I got another apartment where I and my friends go whenever we have walked the whole Ogun state up and down.

    When I got the apartment, sometimes I wouldn't go to work because I wanted to attend a party or have quality time with my friends at home, and that started affecting my salary, because we spend money almost every day.


    One day I was invited to a nightclub club and I was supposed to be on a night shift at work that same day, I work in a factory as a supervisor so I have the upper hand to the extent that nobody could ask me why I do some things but when the senior manager is around I made sure he doesn't see all my lapses.

    But this particular day, I don't know which one to choose, night shift at work or night club. My friends were about five and all of them convinced me to go because I hadn't seen what was happening there before and of course who wouldn't want to see what was happening outside and dance with different people, who doesn't like to be social with big boys since I was single.

    So I chose the night club over a night shift at work, we got there to drink and dance and then I saw my friend's true colors all of them were smoking like a guy and I was like what planet did I find myself on?

    Before I could realize I was still in Nigeria some guys came to our table and they picked my friends one after the other while I refused because I was still with my right sense, they were taken away like prostitutes and I was left with the bills to pay.

    I couldn't cry that day and it was late I couldn't go home alone, then I realized that I was going in the wrong direction all in the name of social life. Meanwhile, there was a man in my factory that has been disturbing me to take me out, he was my boss and he was sent from Ghana to oversee the company.

    I called him and God so good he liked me that much to the extent that he could do anything for me, he came to pick me up where I was he paid all the bills. I told him to take me home but he insisted that I follow him home because he didn't know I had another apartment aside from my mom's house.

    When we got to his place we talked and I explained everything that had been happening to him then he told me something that I will never forget, he said, "You can't eat your cake and still have it, if you want to be social you have to be ready to do things you didn't sign up for," hmmm that was much for me to digest that night.

    The day break I went to the apartment to pack my things with his car, the ones I can't take home because I don't want my mom to suspect anything I left them in the apartment, and ever since then I have been unsocial.

    I wouldn't lie, I have rest of mind being unsocial because there is nothing in social life, it will just expose someone to something you don't want to be in life.

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