in voilk •  5 months ago



    The ruleset for this week's challenge


    • Equalizer - All unit start with the same health, based on the highest health on either team

    The ruleset that I managed to get


    • Rulesets - FabFour & Equalizer
    • Mana Cap - 43
    • Active Elements - image.png image.png image.png image.png


    Here's my starting lineup

    Summoner: Thaddius Brood

    • With this weeks challenge the specific summoner type doesn't matter so I went with Thaddius Brood because I had great team in mind
    • Also I think Thaddius Brood is super strong as he grants -1 magic damage and -1 hp to all of the enemy team
    1st Position: Harklaw

    • Harklaw was my main tank for this battle
    • Main reason I like Harklaw here a lot is his Shield ability
    • Shield - Reduced damage from melee and ranged attacks
    • Immunity - This Unit is immune to negative status effects
    2nd Position: Usut

    • Probably my favorite soulbound cards so far
    • All of the stats are super great in my opinion other than the speed which was 1
    • Flying - Has a 25% bonus chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Units who do not have the flying ability
    • Bloodlust - Every time this Unit defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats
    3rd Position: Sand Worm

    • When the mana cap is big enough I always like to play Sand Worm
    • For 9 mana you get 6 damage (with Sneak), 2 speed and 6 hp
    • Sneak - Targets the last unit on the enemy Team instead of the first unit
    4th Position: Octopider

    • Octopider was my backline tank for this battle
    • Also hes has some quite amazing stats being 3 ranged damage, 3 speed and 8 hp
    • Alongside the amazing stats is hes Demoralize ability which combined with Harklaw Shield may end in a situation where my Harklaw just simply can't take damage
    • Demoralize - Reduces the Melee attack of all enemy units by 1


    Starting board


    • The starting board seemed like a win to me because after all the summoner effects and monster abilities I definitely had much more damage
    • And also my Sand Worm was going to take down his only healer


    Here's how the battle went

    1st, 2nd & 3rd Round


    • First 2 rounds nothing happened because my enemies healer was healing all the damage my monsters were dealing
    • But in the 3rd Round my Sand Worm finally managed to take down the healer and I began to chip away his tank
    4th Round


    • in the 4th Round I finally took down my enemies tank
    • And I also started to deal damage to his new backline magic monster
    5th Round


    • In the 5th Round my Sand Worm managed to took down my enemies Captain's Ghost
    • Now it was just a one last monster between me and my victory
    6th Round


    • It took me 1 turn to kill my enemies last standing monster
    • After his Sea Genie had fallen I took the victory
    • Battle Replay Link



    • This battle was definitely heavily one sided but still fun to watch
    • I believe the strategy to take away from this battle is the Shield and Demoralize ability combo
    • The combo also works with Void, Silence for magic and Shield, Headwinds for range
    • And also I got lucky with my summoner selection and my enemies team
    • If you also would like to hop on the Splinterlands train feel free to use my Referral


    Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows. And till the next challenge, KEEP BATTLING!

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