Capturing Precious Moments

in voilk •  2 months ago

    The family is the smallest unit in the society but the strongest network ever existed in the world.


    One late afternoon, my family and I agreed to take my aunt and her child to TCM before they go back to Negros. My aunt is my father's older sister who resided in negros , she got married their and has her own family. She visited the house of my late grandma who just recently passed away. Maybe she misses her mother because since she got married she hasn't visited my grandma.

    As we walked through there, we do some chit chat along the way. Talking lots of stories, laughing together. My aunt and my father talking about their childhood days, reminiscing the past when there both parents are still alive. I see tears wanting to come up in there eyes but they controlled it not to fall down their cheeks.

    When we reach our destination, we take turns of taking pictures. I'm the first to captures them.

    My father requested me to take a picture of the them with my mother. How I love seeing both of them like this.

    My father also requested that i take a picture of him by himself and he needs to look handsome in the picture. I responded,Pa! I'm just the photographer, not a doctor", and we both laughed. Anyway even if some people will tell me or him that my father is not handsome,but for me , as her daughter, he is the most handsome man in my eyes. My father was such a good man and many people who knows my father would agree with me.

    This is my mother and my younger sister, they have similar faces. My sister is called mini Bebot at our place , because she really looks like my mom.

    This is my aunt and her son. I remember when my mom stopped me from going to school during my 3rd year of high school because I was becoming too unruly. She sent me with my half sister, who was also married in Negros, to get away from my bad influences. My sister said she would send me back home as soon as her husband returned from work in Batangas.However, when her Husband came back, the money meant to be my fare back to Cebu was used for their child's baptism, so I couldn't return home. I called my mom wanting to go back but I didn't have a fare.

    My papa said he would call his older sister who also live in Negros to look for me. Days passed after the call, there is someone looking for me outside the house of my sister. The stranger said that he was the husband of my father's sister. He also said that my aunt want to see me, so he take me to their house. When we reached their house, my aunt running towards me , and hugged me tightly. I can see the happiness in her eyes. She said, she never back to Cebu since she got married, and stated also that my father was not yet married when she left Cebu. They bought me a ship ticket and so I was able to return home. I see my aunt's tears falls form her checks when I looked back at her as I walked going to the ship to get onboard. She wave her hands at me and shouted , be safe on your way , please tell your grandma and my siblings I miss them, and I shouted back, I will tita.

    I take a picture of my daughter and gives me a sassy pose.

    These kiddos want to have more pictures , so I do their request.

    Then I asked my son take us a picture along with my aunt's son because I'm the one who did the most of taking pictures.

    Another photo with me and my kids along with my cousin.

    My brother asked me to take them a picture and send to him because he said he would use it as his profile picture and cover photo.

    Here is my younger brother who became my sister😂, with her sassy pose.

    Even though we had walked far to get to this place, it really felt good to be together because such events rarely happen and we don't know when we will see our aunt again.

    This outing of ours also became a family bonding. Even though there are times that we argue and don't understand each other, throwing each other hurtful words and becoming deaf to one another, eventually our affections returns easily and we still stand up for each other. Because no matter how many times the world reversing, we still share the same blood running through our veins and we come from the same origin.

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