Video progress on Hive // Reblog lottery

in voilk •  last month

    Many of us seem to want to add images to our articles. This is a great thing, images makes content more interesting in general.

    But what about videos?

    I bet there are a bunch of people who want to add videos to their articles.
    This can be a hassle for a lot of us, but Ecency and 3speak has made it easy for us.

    This is based on the feature on the @ecency app.

    How does it work?

    When you start writing an article, you are met with a simple and quite intuitive interface

    You choose the community you want to post to, add a title and go about your article. Personally I add the tags as the last thing because I don't plan on what I want to write about.
    It may be different for you.

    Video availability

    Already published

    Now, if your video is already published on #3speak, it's very simple to add it to your article.

    Upload from Ecency

    You have your video on your device and went to include it in your article.
    You open up the gallery on the left hand side, locate your video and upload it.

    This process may take a little while as it has to be uploaded, prepared and encoded before it's ready to use.
    I shorted down the process to show you:

    Nice and simple, right?

    @sabrinah I hope this article can help you on how to upload via Ecency.

    Good to know

    Ecency only let you use 1 unpublished video per article. Hence I had to publish one of the 2 videos in this article.
    I succeeded at last after some initial mistakes because I'm impatient 😂

    When doing the upload from #ecency the post will automatically add 3 beneficiaries.
    #support #threespeak


    With a video feature that is so simple, it would be a shame not to add videos in some articles. It may not be applicable to all, but just some.
    And if you do this, you will also practice you video edit skills.. you all see I need to practice it 😂

    That's it for today, thanks for reading!
    I hope you find this information useful 🙌🏼

    Reblog lottery

    How does the reblog lottery work??

    • Reblog the post
    • Comment with the word "REBLOGGED" (does not have to be capital letters)
    • Your comment may contain more than just this one word, but this word is required

    Reblog the post before: Saturday, June 1st @ 11am UTC

    Winner will be 20% beneficiary to the next lottery post and the chance to win cool $HIVE too.
    For each ten (10) reblog, there will be added 2 HSBI to the winner.

    Last rounds result

    Winner has been selected using this tool

    Once again, I am back to trusting the comments.
    @esbat @henruc @kungfukid @ladymisa @nabbas0786 @olaf.gui @servelle @stekene

    And the winner:


    Congratulations, please enjoy your 20% profit share on this post and 2 HSBI. Read more about HSBI here

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