About Making The First Move

in voilk •  5 months ago

    ## Times are changing.

    I can clearly remember my parents giving me certain advice and introducing me to the norms of the society I lived in. But now, many of these norms are baseless or do I say, they have been restructured. Sometimes, I wonder what sort of advice I would pass on to my kids.

    Ladies making the first move.

    I know a lot of ladies who are so afraid of making the first move towards the opposite gender. These people would rather jump off a cliff than walk up to a guy and express their feelings. It gets really hilarious but sometimes, I do not exactly blame them.

    First, some of these people were told as kids that they are ladies and ladies should never ever walk up to a guy to say any emotional thing unless the guy in question has shown interest.

    I feel like there is a twist to this particular advice. It would have been more productive and also sounded better if it went this way; express yourself to whomever you think/ feel you like without overthinking it. The person wouldn't beat you up– I think.

    Anyways, the few girls I know who do not make the first move are actually very strict when it comes to things like this. They could be head over heels for a person but they just sit there, sending green flags which may or not be visible to the other person. Majority of the time, it ends badly because why are you smiling and blinking at a person every single time? The person could probably tag you a psychopath.

    The other times, their winks and smiles pay off. They get lucky and a beautiful love story begins. I tag these sets of people as lucky.

    Another interesting set of ladies who vow to never make the first move are those who have had past experiences. These are ladies who probably watched their crush from a distance for so long and after getting the right “ginger” from close friends or family, they decide to make a move and guess what? They are turned down and possibly embarrassed too.

    It can be hard to recuperate from such an experience, especially if a few close friends were in on the story. From research, certain ladies have this very high ego and in order to prevent tainting their ego a second time, they refrain from such activities.

    I feel a wee bit of sympathy towards the latter set because unlike the first set, this set of ladies have actually tried and failed.

    Growing up, I belonged to the first set of ladies because I totally refrained from the male gender and anything that had to do with them. This was because I was told that even if I mistakenly hit a male who wasn't my brother on the shoulder, I would get pregnant. This contributed greatly to my perception but well, to reiterate times have changed and a few truths have been disclosed.

    The song “American Love” by Qing Madi evoked all these thoughts. It's amusing how I opted to listen to the song because I loved how the artist' name was spelt and the piece turned out to be thought-provoking and insightful.

    She talks about making the first move on the surface and thankfully, hers has a somewhat happy ending but it's worthy to note that it doesn't necessarily always end great.

    Here is a YouTube video. I hope you enjoy the tune.




    All images used belong to me and were taken with my mobile device except stated otherwise.


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