Guiding Children in a World Full of Distractions and Temptations

in voilk •  6 days ago

    Look, nowadays raising children has become a very difficult task. Earlier it used to be a little easier. It used to be easy to raise children but it is much easier now because earlier there were not so many things. Nowadays as we see there are many things available. Small children start using smartphones from childhood and God knows what all is filling their minds from childhood. Earlier times were different. Earlier people used to spend a lot of time with children and play with them. Nowadays everyone has a nuclear family, so there are no elders with them and they do not know how to take car of kids. We have seen that this trend is increasing but I feel that it is very wrong. We should not live in a nuclear family but in a joint family because by doing this we get to learn a lot and there are many benefits to it. This is a new topic but still, I feel that it is a very important thing.


    Well, it has become difficult to raise children because a lot of things have come into existence and everyone wants to give maximum facilities to their children and even in that they are spoiling them because we are pampering them so much that everyone wants to give comforts to their children but they should not be spoilt with so many comforts that they get spoiled because of your pampering, we just have to keep this thing in mind, this is a very fine line, we have often seen that children nowadays are so naughty and how stubborn they are, if you do not satisfy them then they create a ruckus in the house. And if you think that only your children are like this, then you are wrong. Everyone's children are like this. Though I like small children, but sometimes they irritate me a lot. Yes, if the children ask questions then I do answer them, but if they behave mischievously then I get very angry sometimes, I try not to vent my anger on the children because in anger we say anything and children catch on to small things very quickly.

    Children have a lot of curiosity and have a hunger to learn new things. They grasp things very quickly. Initially, when they are small, we laugh at their small things, but gradually when they develop habits, we start worrying. So we should pay a lot of attention to them from childhood and this is also necessary because if you do not do this, then it can become a very serious problem when they grow up and it can also prove to be dangerous for the family. I feel that it is the responsibility of the parents to provide good knowledge to the children and give them good education. Yes, you cannot control your children all the time, but whenever you are with them, you should try to help them learn good things and whatever they wish to know, help them with that. Often we have seen that children are eager to learn a lot of things, they get very happy seeing new things and they find happiness in seeing new things and they remain engrossed in their world. See, parents are the first teachers of a child and children become like what they see around them. We have seen that some children are very brilliant since childhood and some children are not so good in their studies but are good at other things too. So your child doesn't need to be good in studies, he may be good at some other thing. You should not force anyone that they should do this work or not, you should leave them free and let them choose their career as per their choice. They should not be under any pressure since childhood because if they are under pressure then they forget their real identity and they start living as a different person.



    There is a lot that a parent can do to take their children in the right direction, rest, if you are a parent then you must show your children the right direction, then the rest is up to them whether they want to go in that direction or not. Nowadays everything is available online and nothing is hidden, if your child has the eager to learn then he can learn. Internet is available everywhere nowadays, it just depends on how your children use it. I think that as parents it is our responsibility to give proper guidance to our children and explain to them what they should do and what they should not. Look, everyone has their own life and if they grow up then they have the complete right to make decisions about their life but when they are small, they are ignorant, then you should help them and show them the direction and by doing this you are helping them and will create a better society. Nowadays it is getting a little difficult to control children and parenting is also becoming a lot more challenging as compared to before it is not that it is impossible but if you try then everything becomes possible.

    See, the environment makes a lot of difference. If the environment of your home is good, then it is natural for your child to be good. But sometimes some children fall into bad company. It does not matter to them what the environment of your home is like. On the contrary, they still become very bad and fall into bad company. So even if the environment of your home is good, you should still pay attention to your children till a certain age. Even after that, they become sensible and are ready to make decisions about their life. Then you should respect their decisions about their life and support them. Yes, if you feel that it may be wrong for them or it is not good or it may have a very bad impact on them in the future, then you should understand them and talk to them.

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