My IT moment

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Lately, I have been having this restless feeling where I can't wait for this phase of my life to be over. The phase I mean is my tertiary education phase, which I luckily have just under a year to complete. I grew up in Lagos and have spent most of my life there, so gaining admission into a university in the East and moving to live with my mother's elder sister was not easy for me.

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    Coupled with the fact that I had to quit an excellent job that paid handsomely at the time, and the fact that my brother wouldn't let me work and start part-time education in Lagos made me unhappy. He wanted me to be a full-time student, insisting it would be faster (Only for me to add another year to a 5-year course because of strike). I've been feeling unproductive, and I can't wait to graduate. This brings me to my reply for this week’s prompt.

    An IT moment is a time when you felt the most at your best or at peak form. Share with us that particular IT moment when you felt the most invincible or satisfied with yourself.

    Six years ago was one of the toughest times my family has ever passed through. After the death of my father, things weren't as rosy as they used to be, and it just went from bad to worse. My mother was sick and couldn't do much, and my relations were not helpful in any way. At that point, I honestly lost interest in school, all I just wanted was to work and make money then learn a skill.

    I eventually started working some months after I graduated from secondary school. Luckily for me the factories I worked in until things turned around for us, and I started planning to further my education always paid really good so it was worth the stress.

    That was the first time I experienced the feeling of taking care of myself without having to depend on anyone, and I loved the feeling. I took care of my needs and also helped my mother by buying things
    needed in the house without her asking, she appreciated this a lot because we were going through some difficulties then.

    I also loved shopping for her and buying her things, I love making her happy because she has been through a lot. Having the means to go the extra mile to do that was something that made me happy as well. Another thing I loved about that period was the prayers that she would rain on me for doing the slightest things.

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    That was my IT moment, I felt really satisfied and proud that I could fend for myself without having to beg or rely on relations for help and to be honest, I've always found it difficult to do that because I feel as if I'm disturbing people, and also I don't do it to avoid what we Nigerians call ‘see finish’. Furthermore, I loved working. It gave me a sense of purpose, something to do to keep myself busy. I felt productive, unlike these days when half of my days are spent doing chores or school stuff.

    Earning a good income back then made me feel content, and untouchable. I'm grateful that I got to experience the moment because It turned me into a hard worker, It made me learn to try my best to excel in everything I do. My mother still boasts to people about how much I helped her then, which I find hilarious.

    Joining Hive is one of the best things that have happened to me since then, and I am currently learning a hand work because once I graduate I intend to go back to the hustle with full force and alacrity. Haha. This is because I have discovered I'm at my happiest when I can comfortably provide for myself and those around me.

    Thank you for reading.

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