You Go Ahead and Hike Without Me! 😻 My Actifit Report Card: February 21 2024

in voilk •  5 months ago

    You go ahead and hike without me Dad!😻
    Cyle was sleeping peacefully, while Dad was feeling like the second photo!🤣
    Back in December Silvertop set up a Trezor Safe 3 cold wallet as a Christmas present for our youngest son and his Wife. I loaded some Bitcoin on this wallet, and also set up an empty Solana wallet on it as well.🥰
    Then I tried to set up an empty Solana wallet on Liz and Silvertop’s Trezor…………..🤔
    Every time I tried to add this SOL wallet on ours, it always prompted “Discovery Error”!😳
    Over two Months have gone by, and Silvertop finally reached the point where I really wanted to add to our Solana bag…………….
    The Mrs said………………
    “ Silvertop, let me order us a second Trezor Safe 3 for us, and you can start fresh and load some SOL on an empty wallet! “🥰
    Cyle opened one eye, and watched Dad try one more attempt at setting up an empty new SOL wallet!😺
    In a sub menu, I found a SECOND gear wheel.
    Five Solana backend connections………….
    I selected one, pressed enter, and poof we now have a Solana wallet!🤗
    I tested this with several deposits, each confirmed in less than a minute, with a transaction fee of 0.000005 SOL.
    Less than a penny!😇
    “ Silvertop your new Trezor is on its way! “🥰
    “ Cot we both need that hike today, Dad will be busy later filling up our Crypto Bags when this new Trezor Safe 3 arrives Lol! “😇
    Till tomorrow……….with a bit more hiking, and a little less Crypto trading Lol…….
    Silvertop Mike 😊
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores

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