Who's Really An Expert??

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Without a filtering mechanism in place, information overload is bound to happen for most of us living in the modern world.

    Constantly, information is poured into our minds so to speak, which then begins creating a long string of simulations that diverts us away from the present moment, here and now.

    No wonder our memory bank is getting shorter, which coincides well with developing shorter attention spans. At the heart of it, information is a tool, in that it is a means to an end.

    Having the correct information can lead us into opening the correct doors that furthers our progressive journey.

    The opposite is also equally true, incorrect information simply stalls our progress, sometimes even taking us backwards.

    What's interesting to me is when the correct information comes at an incorrect time, this occasionally happens to me but it's only realized in hindsight.

    I wonder what life is teaching me during those moments. Perhaps, not everything will happen at the right time?

    Now, who's really an expert and is first hand experience superior to second hand opinion in an information ridden world?

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    First Hand Experience Over Second Hand Opinion

    An expert is someone who's very knowledgeable on a particular field, usually through first hand experience, over a respectable amount of time.

    For example, a cardiologist who studied and practiced cardiology for two decades is an expert in that field.

    Second hand opinion/experience is basically when information is acquired through the experience of others, as in what they did or happened to them. This is usually imparted through reading books and other content structures.

    The reason why I tend to refer to it as second hand opinion is because the information may be filtered through the perspective and biases of the source.

    Like most things in life, both first hand and second hand knowledge have their advantages and disadvantages.

    First hand experience provides a deep understanding and the development of practical skills, while second hand knowledge offers broader perspectives and insights from different viewpoints.

    For me, first hand experience can be incredibly valuable, because it allows us to learn and grow through direct interaction with the world, which is undoubtedly superior in many ways, since one is dealing with the real thing.

    That said, it lacks the broadness that second hand opinion can provide, partly due to the time constraints that we all have.

    This is where second hand opinions, especially from credible sources, can also prove incredible valuable and leveraging both can help us make informed decisions effectively.

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    Nowadays, I think we're filled more with second hand experience than first hand experience. This is because information is everywhere and so easy to get a hold on. While in the process of building a business,

    I can read ten to fifteen books on building a business. This helps increase my chances of success and avoid unnecessary mistakes.

    However, looked in a slightly different way, this reliance on second-hand information can create a shallow understanding and a false sense of preparedness.

    Reading about building a business from books is valuable, but it doesn't replace the challenges and learning that come from actually running a business.

    We may find ourselves simply regurgitating information we've learned from others without truly understanding its nuances or applicability in different situations.

    In my view, an expert in modern times is someone who has both types of experiences, but more of first hand experience since that's the foundation or building block of information.

    Second hand knowledge can provide a valuable roadmap, but it's firsthand experience that truly equips us to navigate the unexpected turns.

    Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.

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