Oliver In Hot Soup [Fiction]

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    It was unlike Jennifer to give Oliver, her husband, a lukewarm welcome. He paused at the door with a slight furrow of his brows. She was busy wiping the kitchen counter and didn't so much as raise her head.

    From experience, Oliver knew that when his wife was overly silent, he'd commit a terrible offence and must remedy the situation or there wouldn't be peace in their home. Within seconds, he ran through significant dates in his head to ensure he had not forgotten their wedding anniversary or her birthday. Check.

    Did she ask him to get some groceries on his way back? Negative, she didn't. He froze when she started humming a song while cleaning. No, not the humming. Whenever she hums while giving him the silent treatment, then his offence is bigger than he assumed.

    He quickly headed upstairs, dropped his office bag in the dressing room and pulled out his phone. He dialled his brother's number. “Are we having drinks tonight?” Joe blurted without a hello.

    “No. I'm in trouble, that's what.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I think I missed a date special to Jennifer and I and for the life of me, I can't seem to figure it out. You're good with numbers and dates and stuff. Do you have any idea of what it may be?”

    Oliver bristled as Joe's laughter erupted on the other end of the line. “Well?’ He muttered between gritted teeth, imagining ways in which he would punch Joe's nose when next he saw him.

    “Dude, today is March 8, International Women's day celebrated all over the world. I told you this at Dosby's last week. I've bought my wife something nice. You should too, man or else you're toast.”

    Oliver puffed out a breath of relief. “Dude, you're a lifesaver. Let's meet up for drinks tomorrow night at Dosby's.”

    “Yea, you got it. Make some excuse and go buy her something nice at the Mall.”

    “Will do.”

    Oliver didn't bother changing out of his office clothes. He snatched his keys from the table and raced down the stairs. The sweet aroma of cooked food filled the house. Jennifer was still humming while stirring a pot. He knew dinner at a fancy restaurant was out of it. If he dared suggest it, she would know he forgot the date.

    “Uh. Darling, I'll be back soon. Need to grab something quick. Yea?”


    He dashed out of the house and drove to the Mall. He bought her a bouquet of roses and a stylish handbag that stared at him from the window. Jennifer would love it.

    Once he arrived home, he walked straight to the kitchen with a grin and gave the gifts. “You mean the world to me, happy women's day.” He watched as her beautiful face lightened up and her pouty lips curved into a heartwarming smile.

    Olive thanked Joe in his head and promised to pay for their drinks at Dosby's. He spread out his arms and watched his wife walk into them and hold him. Her whisper in his ear made his eyes bulge like saucers. “I know you forgot but you're smart to remember and do something about it. Or else….”

    His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed in fear and chuckled. “You caught me there, darling. I can't get anything past you.”

    “Clever guy,” she said giggling before planting a kiss on his lips.

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    I hope you enjoyed reading this short romance story in honour of March 8—International Women's Day. Kudos to all women and keep up the good work. This post is inspired by the Freewrite #dailyprompt word “luke warm welcome”.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Viridiana Rivera

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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