2° parte. Mis hijas adoptivas / Part 2. My adopted daughters/ [ESP/ENG]

in voilk •  5 months ago

    ¿Cómo una mascota cambia tu manera de pensar?

    Admito que yo era apática con los animales, desde niña mi madre siempre tuvo mascotas (peros), al igual que pájaros de toda especie; cuando mi hijo tenía seis años, me regalaron un perrito Poodle, color gris; yo trabaja y salía muy temprano de casa, mi hijo se quedaba a cargo de mi madre en las tardes y en las mañanas iba a la guardería, mi esposo laboraba horario vespertino.

    Un día, entro a mi hogar un ratón y se escondió en el cuarto de mi hijo, estos animales no son gratos ni agradables. Compre veneno para ratas y le coloque con sardina en lata, lo deje debajo del Chifonier, en el cuarto de mi hijo, a media mañana mi esposo escuchó un ruido extraño, como sollozando y batiendo, fue a mirar, y ahí estaba ¡sacudiéndose entre la vida y la muerte!.

    Mi esposo no pudo hacer nada, el veneno mortal, entro inmediatamente a su torrente sanguíneo y lo fulmino en el acto. No lo pude ver, mi esposo inmediatamente se encargó de botar su cuerpo para que no lo viera ni mi hijo ni yo. Esta tragedia afecto mi psiquis mental, no podía aceptar que, por intentar acabar con un roedor molesto, termine acabando con los ojos más dulces y tiernos que podía ver al llegar a casa, esto marco mi vida. Aunque no me quedo reseña fotográfica de él, logre encontrar en la web una parecida, su madre era color blanco y su padre negro, fue el primer parto de este cruce y el único gris de la camada.


    How a pet changes your way of thinking

    I admit that I was apathetic with animals, since I was a child my mother always had pets (dogs), as well as birds of all kinds; when my son was six years old, they gave me a Poodle dog, gray color; I worked and left home very early, my son was in charge of my mother in the afternoons and in the mornings he went to day care, my husband worked in the afternoon.

    One day, a mouse came into my home and hid in my son's room, these animals are not nice or pleasant. I bought rat poison and put it with sardine in a can, I left it under the Chifonier, in my son's room, in the middle of the morning my husband heard a strange noise, like sobbing and shaking, he went to look, and there it was, shaking between life and death!

    My husband could do nothing, the deadly poison immediately entered his bloodstream and killed him on the spot. I could not see him, my husband immediately took care of throwing his body away so that neither my son nor I could see it. This tragedy affected my mental psyche, I could not accept that, by trying to kill an annoying rodent, I ended up killing the sweetest and most tender eyes I could see when I got home, this marked my life. Although I did not have a photographic review of him, I managed to find a similar one on the web, his mother was white and his father black, he was the first birth of this crossbreed and the only gray of the litter.

    Imagen 1

    Imagen 2

    Fuente: Fotografía tomada desde mi antiguo teléfono Umidigi 10A Pro, técnica de collage con uso de Canva.com, descarga en formato jpg. Para uso exclusivo de mi publicación, no autorizo su empleo. Traductor: DeepL.com-

    Presento a mi segunda hija adoptiva

    Ella es “chispita”, nombre seleccionado por mí y significa: “pequeño rayo de luz”. Recuerdo en mi juventud había una telenovela mexicana llamada “Chispita”, cuya protagonista era Lucero Hogaza León. Realmente escogí este nombre porque hace honor a mi gata, es traviesa, eléctrica, es un destello de luz permanente, que puede correr, saltar y volar si sus patas se los permiten, 😆 😂 😇 😍

    A principio no fue fácil su aceptación, pero con el tiempo se ha ganado nuestro cariño, respeto y admiración. Recuerdo un día, tenía como un año con nosotros; no sé de donde salió una culebra, en la mañana al despertarme, me llevo directo haciéndome ronroneos y caminando delante de mí hasta el lugar donde había dejado el animal, y con su nariz apuntaba al suelo y justo ahí encima de una alfombra de rayas estaba el animal sin cabeza que dejo como trofeo para nosotros, quien lo imaginaria, ella estuvo salvando nuestras vidas.

    Hoy día es la consentida del hogar y espero tener las fuerzas suficientes para seguir compartiendo con ella muchos años más de su vida felina. Tiene su propio espacio para dormir, lo hace en lo alto de mi biblioteca, otras veces a los pies de mi cama o en la de mi hijo o encima del closet de mi cuarto, es muy aseada, usa el baño justo en el escusado de la ducha hace sus necesidades fisiológicas, cuando tiene hambre casi nos habla, gruñe y camina hasta su taza de comida e igual cuando tiene sed, se monta al lavamanos y se posa o espera le llenen su taza con agua.

    Cuando ella ingreso a mi hogar tenía apenas unas semanas de nacida, estaba echa un panal de pulgas y piojos, nos tocó bañarla, desparasitarla y purgarla, fue una misión casi imposible, pero lo logramos, mi hijo y mi esposo fueron quienes literalmente me imploraron dejarla, hoy día no me pesa la decisión.


    Introducing my second adopted daughter

    She is "chispita", name selected by me and it means: "little ray of light". I remember in my youth there was a Mexican soap opera called "Chispita", whose protagonist was Lucero Hogaza León. I really chose this name because it honors my cat, she is mischievous, electric, she is a permanent flash of light, she can run, jump and fly if her paws allow it, 😆 😂 😇 😍

    At the beginning it was not easy to accept him, but with time he has earned our affection, respect and admiration. I remember one day, she was about a year old with us; I don't know where a snake came from, in the morning when I woke up, she took me straight away purring and walking in front of me to the place where she had left the animal, and with her nose she pointed to the floor and right there on top of a striped carpet was the headless animal she left as a trophy for us, who could imagine, she was saving our lives.

    Today she is the darling of our home and I hope to have enough strength to continue sharing with her many more years of her feline life. She has her own space to sleep, she sleeps on the top of my bookcase, other times at the foot of my bed or my son's bed or on top of the closet in my room, she is very neat, she uses the bathroom right in the toilet of the shower, when she is hungry she almost talks to us, she growls and walks to her food bowl and the same when she is thirsty, she rides the sink and perches or waits for her bowl to be filled with water.

    When she entered my home she was only a few weeks old, she was a honeycomb of fleas and lice, we had to bathe her, deworm her and purge her, it was an almost impossible mission, but we made it, my son and my husband were the ones who literally begged me to leave her, today the decision does not weigh me down.

    Imagen 3

    Fuente: Fotografías propia tomadas desde mi teléfono Tecno Spark 10C, técnica de collage usando Canva.com, descarga en formato jpg. Para uso exclusivo de mi publicación, no autorizo su empleo. Traductor: DeepL.com

    Representation of cats, in the mystical world

    In the world of spirituality, cats bring very positive energies into our lives (I am fascinated by the subject of spirituality and its mysteries). Cats have a mission in our lives, especially in the home. It is said that they have the ability or mission to clean the environment of dense energies, they are endowed with acute intuition, ability to perceive energetic changes in the environment and anticipate situations, they energetically clean the aura of people and the home of bad energies such as: envy, stress, hatred, arguments, resentment and possess healing energetic powers.

    That sense of calm that cats can create, helps to vibrate with higher frequencies and connect with higher spiritual planes of existence. Their presence influences one to have moments of reflection and meditation, thus promoting greater self-knowledge and self-awareness; they are spiritual guardians, possessing an interconnection with the spiritual world (the non-physical plane). They are attributed psychic abilities that allow them to predict something in the lives of humans.

    Cats have the role of helping or teaching something, I consider that she has brought in my home family unity and has increased mutual love, they alert us of the negative vibrations that surround us, even people with bad energy and destructive thoughts, they can help us to heal depressions, (now I understand why she came to our home) her mission was to teach us to heal our pain for the physical departure of my mother, ), since my mother passed away in November 2020, we were left with a very big emotional void, especially me. A few months later she came to my home.

    She is a Calico cat: Her body is predominantly white on legs, chest and chin. They have black and orange spots on the back and other areas. It is said that they ward off ghosts, most of their species are female and rarely a male can be born, they are bearers of good luck.

    Imagen 4

    Fuente: https://images.app.goo.gl/mwQZLsxAtdBDgyNq6

    Vida armoniosa y algo de frustración en su niñez

    No sé, si realmente todos los gatos actúan de igual forma, pero “Chispita”, no puede ver una caja, se cree regalo o simplemente un par de zapatos, hasta la más mínima y pequeña, allí quiere entrar. Tanto mi hijo, mi esposo y yo estamos felices, nuestra vida ha cambiado digamos en 180°, con su llegada. Pese a su chispa interna, a veces corre y tumba adornos de la casa con su rabo esponjado, atrapa mariposas, moscas, cucarachas y ratones que suelen colarse al hogar por la puerta principal, estos ultimo siento que han huido desde su llegada.

    “Según teorías, ellos tienen alta sensibilidad a los campos magnéticos y pueden detectar cosas, imposibles de ver por un humano o aparatos”, este comentario demuestra porque le apasiona dormir sobre equipo electromagnéticos, por ejemplo, cerca del TV, sobre el codificador del TV.

    Un dato muy curioso que puede ayudarnos a enfocar nuestra atención en nuestro sentimiento, es “energéticamente, aquellas personas que sienten alergia a los gatos, son personas con dificultades para permitir que el amor llegue a sus vidas“


    Harmonious life and some frustration in his childhood.

    I don't know if all cats really act the same way, but "Chispita" can't see a box, she thinks she's a gift or just a pair of shoes, even the smallest and smallest one, she wants to get in there. My son, my husband and I are happy, our life has changed 180°, let's say, with her arrival. Despite his internal spark, sometimes he runs and knocks down ornaments in the house with his fluffy tail, catches butterflies, flies, cockroaches and mice that usually sneak into the house through the front door, the latter I feel have fled since his arrival.

    "According to theories, they have high sensitivity to magnetic fields and can detect things, impossible to see by a human or devices", this comment shows why he is passionate about sleeping on electromagnetic equipment, for example, near the TV, on the TV encoder.

    A very curious fact that can help us to focus our attention on our feeling, is "energetically, those people who feel allergic to cats, are people with difficulties to allow love to come into their lives".

    Imagen 5

    Fuente: Fotografías propia tomadas desde mi teléfono Tecno Spark 10C, arreglo con técnica collage usando Canva.com descarga en formato jpg. Para uso exclusivo de mi publicación, no autorizo su empleo. Traductor utilizado DeepL.com


    Esta es la historia de nuestras hijas adoptivas, espero les haya gustado mis anécdotas, los espero en una próxima publicación, besos y abrazos.



    This is the story of our adopted daughters, I hope you liked my anecdotes, I hope to see you in a future publication, kisses and hugs.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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