An unfair treatment I experienced in school!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Why do certain things happen to people? Because life is uncertain or " Life isn't fair," I hear people say this all the time, and I believe they make this statement when the unexpected happens. Imagine someone being fired from a dream job he just got or your long-time partner walking out of the relationship without proper reason, some terrible moments would make you question yourself on why certain things are occurring.

    We all know how things go, we are living every day trying to make the most of our lives then boom something out of the ordinary happens, when these times show up we become faced with the harsh truth and the reality that "life is from being fair" every one of us have experienced such moments in our lives before, these unfair moments have made us fall back on life and have affected our lives to the point we'd feel like giving up on ourselves, I know someone who feels life has been unfair to him from the day he was born, things happening around him makes him regret ever being born into the world.
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    The reason behind the unfairness of Life is the fact that life is unpredictable, imagine life was predictable I know most of us will avert certain things happening around us because we know some events can have positive or negative impacts on our lives.

    I've experienced such moments before but I'm gonna share a particular one that is just unfair, little things do get to me, So there was a day I went for medicals I was still in school then, we know how these schools things work right, and we were asked to form a line, now it's from the line the official in charge would be calling the names of those that were lined up all ready to go into the office to do whatever they came for, the line was moving perfectly no impartial behavior from the official. I'd been standing in the line for hours cause the whole process was very slow then it finally got to my turn, I was so excited cause I'd spent my whole day in that queue and was so eager to be attended to, in the process of the excitement then boom an hindrance came, one lady just came and was immediately called in and attended to, you know humans na, they've started grumbling, on the other hand being the next person to be called I was very upset cause the whole place was hot, and I was thirsty as well, what did I do?

    So I asked those behind me on the line to watch my spot while I complained about the blatant line-cutting when I went inside I met the person in charge and told him what just happened and how the lady was bumped in front of the line and didn't line up like others than the other official said the lady is a relative of an officer there, now that justifies everything, this made me realize how unfair those in power always get a headstart, there is one thing that came to my mind that day, no matter how diligent or intelligent you are, if you don't know someone that knows another person the word is "connection" you won't make it that far. Even after complaining they still asked me to wait till they were done with the lady, I was so pissed but I still kept my cool cause I think force them.

    Most of the life unfairness we experience is caused by humans.

    Thanks for reading🌹

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