Healthy thinking

in voilk •  6 months ago


    Health is very crucial for our daily living. Nevertheless, not everyone have been privileged to live that healthy and comfortable life. It has been a game of 'survival of the fittest' for those whose daily pay accrues only hand to mouth. Others as we speak are facing famines and wars which has led to abandonment of places and properties. It's one of those things that makes you sit down attimes and realize you are not facing the worst scenarios even if life may seem to be tough with you. Maybe you'll have to head to the hospital, visit the prisons or perhaps the closest is your TV or mobile phone to get news updates.

    The idea is not to rejoice that people are living a more struggling life than you if you are actually struggling, I just want you to be very appreciative in every stage of your life; 'live is a privilege', let it sink into you. Wishing you guys a fruitful and wonderful Sunday. Shoulders have done this on the closing part of this article but who knows, I might forget so why not give it out now that it is still hot and fresh. So yes, Happy Sunday to all the people that make up this ecosystem, this week will be great for us all. It's all about positive thinking, it affects the way you see things and the results you are likely to get.

    Let's channel ourselves back to the real topic of today; 'healthy thinking'. Inasmuch as good health is mostly preached to center on a balanced diet I feel there is a need to also balance it with other diets. This time around it's not food yet you can say it's consumable depending on your point of view. Exercise to me is one of those things, this sector has been underestimated by many. Today I saw a post of two football athletes, one looked obese after retirement yet the other still stands very fitting; the secret has been relentless exercising. Here I go again, venturing into another sub-topic, let's keep it for another day's talk.

    Health is wealth, this doesn't only embed in finances. Balance diet + good exercise - healthy thinking = deterred life. Maybe you don't know why a lot of these rich fellas just slump and 'that's all folks'. Thinking healthy should be prioritized, I know it may not sound easy especially in such a panicking economy yet if you could find that inner peace it will be very good for you. Healthy thinking entails challenging negative thoughts that want to distort you by setting a good thinking pattern through effective stress management and daily circumstances of life. This is where many fail and have become full time victims of its consequences. When your thinking pattern gets successfully altered by surrounding negativities all I can say from here is sorry.

    Learn from this numbers

    Maybe I should delve into the number to reveal more details and why one should hasten his steps to positive thinking. Millions die yearly courtesy of unhealthy thinking. This figures are not in units but at least in tens; unhealthy thinking spans into diverse sectors and has led to expected and unexpected deaths year in year out. One thing we fail to realize is that all those lying in the hospital due to one trauma or the other had it early phase. According to world Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that over 700,000 individuals die yearly through suicide. How did it get here? Of course it has been through unhealthy thinking. Once one is unable to cope with life's challenges you are likely to be a victim of thoughts like suicide.

    We are seeing chronic stress and heart disease on the rise and this is already signaling a red flag for a high death rate. Health disease has a record of killing over 18 million yearly, when tracing its roots it has always been stress coupled with the presence of unhealthy thinking. People who try to fight emotional pains have mostly sided with drug abuse. This sector is broad yet I will give an overview. Whether overdose or not, one thing to note is that continuous drug intake has side effects. There has been an opioids crisis as we speak. From individuals trying to help themselves from pain, it has led to addiction. Opioids account for 70% of drug related deaths and the figures stem in millions.

    To conclude let me add, there is a need to strive for self discipline in an ever depression-growing world. Fighting heart breaks, frustrations, financial crisis as we now see globally needs careful approach. As I said, exception of finances, unhealthy homes, environments and relationships can do enough damage. I would advise one to put on resilience and a positive attitude in the midst of 'when things fall apart'. Your life is very dependent on how deeply you can fight emotional inconvenience. It's good to have a fat account, a healthy body look and much excellent when healthy thinking is at the core of it. Healthy living to me entails both the inward and outward appearance of an individual. In the presence of difficulties, there is a need to always stay very positive.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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