Once upon a time…

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Gone are the days that won't ever surface ever again in one's lifetime. Childhood days, when we were still younger, all of the fun times we had, fewer worries, the good living, and many more. We never knew the worth then not until we began to leave those stages behind.

    These days are the times when we attend school. Crazy is the fact that you have to wear white socks to school even if it's rainy, and your clothes should be properly washed and ironed. Life as a student back then might look so tough, but once you are over that stage then you can never get it ever again.

    I love my days during my elementary studies and also as a secondary school student. Though my elementary days were a little better and cool, I was a calm student and a serious one. I love the student I was back then. But on getting to secondary school and mingling with some friends, I found a new version of myself.

    Image from Pixabay

    I became so playful during my junior secondary, my uniform got dirty due to rough play, and most times I lost my socks and just found a way out to escape punishment. I became so playful.

    Seeing myself in class as a student during my secondary school days, the higher secondary was a little okay, let's say I got more mature than when I was in junior high. But that time I became more of a joke to myself.

    Due to the public school we changed to, I registered late and I am unable to have my seat with the front seaters. Though I found my way to the front with time, during the few terms I used at the back, it was one of my craziest moments. Those guys at the back are known to be unserious and they do prove they are.

    I tried all I could not to join them in distraction and disturbance, but the problem there is, that once someone commits the crime and no one is ready to identify that person, then all of us at the back will pay for it.

    All of us get punished. 😂. Many times when I have been sent out of class with all of these crazy guys, if you decide to mention the name of that student, you're in trouble after class, they gang up and beat the hell out of you.

    Finally, I survived secondary school days. Despite the hurdles in the public school. I learned my lessons.

    The university system was just so different, though a little similar. At this point, I can decide what category to fall among. I chose to be reborn. 😂. I will never join the backbenchers. Never!

    This got me to get to classes so early, taking a seat at the front, not the immediate front because I hate it when lecturers focus on me, so I sat a few seats away, but among the first four always. Despite that, I still get called upon to answer questions. 😂. But since I listen well I do get answers to the questions.

    My system change in higher education reflected in my academic performance. And I am grateful for that. One thing I never did was to skip classes. I am always in attendance. I learned the hard way from my secondary school days and never repeat such mistakes.

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