in voilk •  16 days ago
    <div class=>Justify

    We are in our era of chaotic and inconsistency. There is a lot of fears going around in our heads— some are expectations, pride , disappointments and mostly random things.


    In every individual has different character and mine, I think, others may hard to understand. I can really see the big difference of me, the version of me before compared to what I am today. Maybe I lost the old version of me who is active, spirited and energetic. Did I really lost it? Did it really vanished? or Did I just kept it hidden?


    I've been into a lot of struggles in life at the very young age. Perhaps, this may be caused me to lost the colors I had in my canvass. It turned me into a blank sheet and was filled of darkness and thin air. It may be the reason why I isolated myself because I got overwhelmed from all the hardships I experienced in life. I even feared myself from being happy thinking that It might have something in return.


    I do have a lot of unsaid words that hard to express. Even on my weakest point in life needs to be hidden and swallow it like it never happened. It feels like it doesn't seem right to show sadness and anger because they've known you as the strongest soldier. In short, I handled it so well.


    Little did I know that being in this state makes you out of breath, it's like a ticking bomb ready to explode. I could even think of myself that this is no longer healthy because it made me unproductive to my daily life. Believe me, I am not the only one here who feels the same way. Many of us here who doesn't even know how to express their own feelings but to tell you, there's nothing wrong with that because it is normal and what you are feeling is valid.


    Being judged and the fear of rejection is the most crucial reason why people are afraid to express their true self. Many situations didn't work due to lack of communication, and communication is composed of words and those words kept in silence. But you know what? Sometimes I can say that there are times that it's better to keep it in yourself than to share or as much as you wanna address it, some things are better left unsaid to protect one's peace of mind.


    I learned the hard way and it's all about energy... Protect it at all costs because that's the only thing that balances your sanity. Whatever the circumstances, stand firm because not all the time we have someone to remind it for us. And energy is everywhere, it is one the basics so whatever negative energy lingering on us must be taken away. Stand firm for positivity, that gate must be widely open for positive outcomes and possibilities because as a person who doesn't usually open to others should always be reconnecting through positive energy.


    The universe is my greatest witness from all the thoughts that keeps running in my mind. In most of the times it is my closest
    wings, the one that I channeled in times I don't have someone to talk to.And I also believe that universe compasses my higher self as it connects to my inner soul. It may be the divine power stands as my best-friend and as my comfort zone.


    To my future self,

    Be courageous and stand firm as you face the world of the unknown.Little by little you will understand your purpose as to why you exist in this world. Forgive yourself from the things that no longer serve you. Each day as the sun rises, hope this will remind you get up and start a new day... a new day that will give you a purpose to live in light. Remember that life must not be so hard and don't be too harsh on yourself because you are loved as how you loved others. No matter what the future holds, you are strong enough to face it, you already have the strong foundation from the things you've been through. "Que Sera Sera"


    "When you feel troubled...pray,
    When your anxiety attacks...pray,
    When you feel hopeless...pray,
    When you are disappointed...pray,
    When you pity yourself...pray,
    When all of the things happening in your life didn't turned out the way you wanted... pray"

    "May God enlighten us from the things we didn't understand and hopefully things will be easy for us as we move forward in our life. May he give us a peace of mind and take the worries away. "


    This is #xoloveshoney and I thank you for making a time to read my blog. Feel free to share your unsaid thoughts in the comment box. See you on my next blog! 😊😉

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