Snippets of Gold

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I’m not sure why but I looked forward to writing on this today. If I’m being honest, I didn’t know what I was going to write up till the moment I picked up my phone to write and then I felt like putting it back down because I wasn't sure I would be able to convey the thoughts I feel into words. Or into the deep words I’d like. But I’ll try. So here goes...

    It’s no secret my love for books or my love for writing or better still, my love for literature. I’ve always found it magical, how deep people could reach into their imaginations to bring to life the most amazing stories. Figments of their lives, their experiences, others’ experiences or maybe none of it at all. Constantly weaving their words and their thoughts till they craft a world of their own.

    And sometimes I think of reading as a guilty pleasure. Because why do I have access to words these golden? I’ve read so many books and now I regret that I didn’t fully crystallize some of its poignant words. But since I was able to, I’d take screenshots. Of lines that I related so deeply to or lines, I found so priceless that I knew I had to capture the moment forever.

    And so I do that. And then I ask myself when. When I’ll be able to write so freely, write so bravely and unashamedly. Boldly put my words on paper and trust in the fact that these aren’t merely pretty words. That they are rather little pieces of my soul transcending ink and captured in time. Lol, I’m becoming too poetic now. I’ll take it down a notch....maybe.

    But apart from those little statements in the pages of a book that reach into me so deeply, there’s something that seems simple and even worth neglecting to a lot of people but is more or less my most coveted part of the book. It’s the preface. Or the dedication in most cases. Those few words that precede the story. I’ve developed such love for those little words, it’s practically what brings the whole book to life for me.

    I’ve read so many beautiful lines. Ones that make me smile, and those that make me reflect. And others that leave me with a mixture of longing and excitement that gives me that quiet reassurance that the words following, which is the entire book, will change my life or an aspect of my thinking unimaginably. Which is mostly good anyway... At least in most cases.

    Before I proceed, take a look at this masterpiece. These words are way more than a few lines but it’s from a book I started reading. It made me smile seeing the soul poured into this. Of course, unless you’ve read this book, you wouldn’t fully understand just how complicated this little piece is. But it’s a statement, a warning and in a way, a plea. I can’t say I’m in the heart of the writer but in this moment, I see what she wants me to see and I’m ready for what follows. Or I think I am.

    And this is from a book I haven’t read yet. I took one look at this dedication and I closed the book immediately, with a smile on my face, no doubt. I recognized its beauty but somehow, I felt like I wasn’t ready for the words that would follow thereafter. I could tell there would be a lot of wit, sarcasm and the pretty little things I like to see in a book. And I just wasn’t ready for that gem of a tale yet.

    I’ve got a few statements from people who’ve read the short stories I write. Some apologising to me for the tragedy I must have faced when it’s a sad tale and some laughing at my comic travails if it’s a light-hearted book. Most outright think it’s my story or at least snippets of my personal experiences. And don’t get me wrong, in very few cases, there are snippets and little pieces of my personality and my values thrown in here and there.

    But there is a certain euphoria that comes with bringing to imaginative-life a character that is directly opposite from you. In values, in thoughts, in physicality and of course, in personality. The fact that this person I’ve created is the very opposite of me and I’ll make her be everything I’m not or may even want to be is a more thrilling thought than just imposing my story. Even though that too has its appeal.

    In conclusion...Writing is art. Writing is peace. Writing is turmoil but most of all, Writing is gold. So to all the amazing writers, aspiring writers and even the readers who bring it all to life, you are more special than you can even begin to imagine.

    That’s it, good folks. April Inleo Prompts giving us yet another reason to get deep in our thought process. Do check it out if you’re yet to.


    Thumbnail created with NightCafe AI
    Other images are screenshots from my e-library.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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