Durante el tiempo que el ciclón afectó a la isla estuve pendiente de mis familiares y amistades, pero, sobre todo, mi mayor preocupación era la salud de mi niño. Pude saber lo que estaba sucediendo, pero, en cuanto se cortó la energía eléctrica, se cayeron las comunicaciones y no tenía manera de saber lo que estaba pasando con ellos.
Pueden imaginar el nivel de angustia, las horas de dolor, el llanto y la impotencia por no poder hacer nada. Mi niño tiene, apenas, dos años y, le teme mucho a estos temporales de lluvia y viento.
Según me cuenta su mamá, el niño estuvo prendida de ella todo el tiempo y llorando de manera sostenida hasta que pasó el temporal.
Esto se debe a otro evento que sucedió en el mes de mayo en el que su casa estuvo bajo los efectos de una granizada y perdieron el techo de la cubierta y fue un episodio que marcó al niño de una manera particular.
Dice su mamá que el niño ha quedado algo traumado con ese episodio vivido y no responde igual que antes a diferentes aspectos de su vida diaria. Además de lo anterior, se disocia con facilidad, pero, en las noches, cuando duerme, es cuando tiene la mayor cantidad de afectación para su salud emocional porque tiene muchas pesadillas y se despierta llorando.
Le dije a su mamá que buscara ayuda especializada porque había que tratar al niño con un especialista, para saber el protocolo médico que se debe seguir y evitar males mayores porque esta es una edad en la que se deben evitar este tipo de situaciones y atenderse con la mayor prontitud posible para que no queden secuelas en el niño.
En estos momentos está siendo atendido y se siente mejor, pero, he leído varias publicaciones que tienen que ver con la atención a los abuelos, a los adolescentes y jóvenes. Incluso, recientemente leí una publicación de @tonyes sobre el papel de la comunicación ante los desastres naturales que me gustó mucho, pero, quisiera pedirle a este usuario, a @emiliorios u otro que haya trabajado el tema que me oriente qué debe hacerse en estos momentos para ayudar en la salud emocional, mental y en la estabilidad sicológica de mi niño.
Considero, que en estos instantes la ayuda familiar es fundamental, sobre todo, de parte de su mamá, quien es su soporte fundamental y la persona que más le quiere en la vida. Pienso que se debe evitar que esté sometido a este tipo de evento o fuertes aguaceros o cualquier otra cosa que pueda recordarle el evento meteorológico vivido en estos días.
He utilizado el traductor de Google.
Las fotos utilizadas son de mi propiedad, tiradas con mi teléfono Samsung Galaxy.
Recently, I have experienced one of the saddest moments of my life and perhaps the most distressing, because my son was subjected in Cuba to the onslaught of Hurricane Rafael and I was far away here, far from him, without being able to help or do anything. nothing.
During the time that the cyclone affected the island, I was attentive to my family and friends, but, above all, my biggest concern was the health of my child. I was able to know what was happening, but as soon as the power went out, communications went down and I had no way of knowing what was happening with them.
You can imagine the level of anguish, the hours of pain, the crying and the helplessness of not being able to do anything. My child is barely two years old and he is very afraid of these rain and wind storms.
According to what his mother tells me, the child was attached to her the entire time and cried constantly until the storm passed.
This is due to another event that happened in the month of May in which his house was under the effects of a hailstorm and they lost the roof of the roof and it was an episode that marked the child in a particular way.
His mother says that the boy has been somewhat traumatized by that episode and does not respond the same as before to different aspects of his daily life. In addition to the above, he dissociates easily, but at night, when he sleeps, that is when his emotional health is most affected because he has many nightmares and wakes up crying.
I told his mother to seek specialized help because the child had to be treated with a specialist, to know the medical protocol that should be followed and avoid major problems because this is an age in which these types of situations should be avoided and treated with care. as soon as possible so that there are no consequences for the child.
At the moment he is being cared for and feels better, but I have read several publications that have to do with caring for grandparents, adolescents and young people. I even recently read a publication by @tonyes about the role of communication in the face of natural disasters that I really liked, but I would like to ask this user, @emiliorios or another who has worked on the topic to guide me on what should be done in these moments to help the emotional, mental health and psychological stability of my child.
I consider that at this time family help is essential, above all, from his mother, who is his fundamental support and the person who loves him most in life. I think that you should avoid being subjected to this type of event or heavy downpours or anything else that could remind you of the meteorological event experienced these days.
I have used Google translator.
The photos used are my property, taken with my Samsung Galaxy phone.