Highlights for Lifestyle and Catarsis By @soy-laloreto | Week # 33

in voilk •  4 days ago

    Highlights Lifestyle Catarsis.png

    Greetings to all! Each week, I'll be choosing 5 outstanding posts that will be curated by the @msp-curation account. These posts will come from the Lifestyle and Catharsis communities.

    Without further words, these are this week's posts:

    ! [Spanish] ¡Saludos a tdos! Cada semana estaré escogiendo 5 publicaciones resaltantes que serán curadas por la cuenta @msp-curation. Estas publicaciones serán provenientes de las comunidades de Lifestyle y Catarsis.

    Sin más nada que decir, estas son las publicaciones de esta semana:

    Highlights: Week #33

    Lo que aprendí con mi historia a traves de los kilos | "Transforming Through the Pounds: My Inspiring Weight Journey"

    By @arbolaria

    I took some time just to think: what do I want to say My answer is to write about what I have gone through without intending to tell dramas or existential experiences that I have had throughout my journey through life. Instead, I want to tell you at this moment about aspects from which I learned a lot and that impacted me to be the tree I am today, which derives from a Heidy that doesn't quite match the definition that the dictionary has for the chosen word to identify myself on Hive, and after a masterful class, also on other networks.

    Un fuerte virus y problemas de cervical.😷🤕🤒🤢🩻/ A strong virus and cervical problems.😷🤕🤒🤢🩻

    By @sarangzg7

    I don't know exactly how many weeks I haven't posted, but I know it's been several and this is due to some little things that have happened in my life that have prevented me from doing so and I really need to let off some steam, that's why I thought of this community to resume hive after several weeks of inactivity.

    Reliving past traumas during my visit to the dentist [🇪🇸-🇺🇸]

    By @neilamarcano

    For a long time, my experience with the dentist is not good to say, when I was very small, my affinity for needles was terrible, so much so that when I had to get stitches for some wounds in different parts of the body, it was a traumatic experience and not bearable at all, I remember that in one of those episodes I bit the nurse who tried to inject me with anesthesia, in the end several of them had to grab me🫣.

    ¿Estará bien acostumbrarnos ?/Will it be all right to get used to it?

    By @mjpacheco

    I must admit that the heat was quite strong (by the way I was carrying a sweater because I came from running errands in a very cold place), the queue was not moving, people were a bit hysterical and upset, but I tried to stay calm and think about issues other than "fuel problems". The queue was not moving, the people were a bit hysterical and upset, but I tried to stay calm and think about things that were not "fuel problems".

    NO DOUBTS, life expectation

    By @marialeovalless

    I have dedicated more time to my learning and since then I have noticed positive changes, mental agility, physical agility, emotional well-being and much more, I have liked the study mode, and I am one of those who think that we never stop studying, we never stop learning, and of course our brain will thank you now and in the long term as well.

    And these were this week's posts. See you more next week with more great posts.

    Y estas fueron las publicaciones de esta semana. Nos vemos más la próxima semana con más publicaciones geniales.

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