A Special Kind of Braindance.

in voilk •  last month

    The thumbnail was created in Canva.

    Now that we got something from Fingers, we need to keep looking for Evelyn though Judy thought maybe Evelyn died somewhere. We needed a special kind of Braindance that I had to collect from a trader from Jig-Jig Street and then we found a possible location where we may find Evelyn or at least some clues.

    After coming out of the clinic of Fingers, Judy looked broken as she was thinking maybe Evelyn died or something and V tried to convince her that they'd find Evelyn no matter what the cost might be.

    Judy suggested me to find a dealer and buy a special kind of Braindance that goes by the name of Death's Head and I decided to visit the s** adult shop on Jig-Jig Street so I left Judy behind and she went to her truck to wait for me.

    When I was going towards the adult shop, I heard some strange sounds of women like they were in private times. I tried to look for the source of the sounds but I didn't find it and then I noticed this lady who was a prostitute and was asking me if I needed any private time with her.

    And these happened after that. Honestly, I didn't know things like this happen in this game as well though I didn't see a lot, lol. The lady has her own place as well and I had to pay her 100 currency for this time.

    Then I reached the adult shop where I had to go and I noticed a man there at the gate who is also a prostitute and gay gamers should find it fun with that man but I kind of ignored him.

    After getting inside the adult shop, I noticed adult toys all around and I tried to hide them from the frames as I didn't want this post to be an adult post. Then I met the vendor and I asked him about the braindance I was looking for but unfortunately, they didn't have it and fortunately, he gave me a name who could get me what I was looking for.

    Then I had to find the dealer on Jig-Jig Street and the map took me to an elevator. I was using the elevator to go up or go down but I was not finding the dealer. Then I searched on YouTube as I was confused about where to find this XBD dealer.

    I didn't have to get on the elevator at all. The dealer was just below the lane and that's why the map was showing that spot. I reached the dealer when he was having a conversation with somebody who left after seeing me. Then I bought the Death's Head Moth from him and I sold him some guns as well.

    Now I had to meet Judy at her van on the road so I started running towards her and I found the lady smiling at me from the van and she was asking me to get inside.

    After getting inside the van, Judy prepared the braindance for me and sent me inside the program where I had to analyze the braindance and find out where it was recorded.

    The video was about someone getting devastated in a lab or somewhere and there were two of them in the killer team. I started analyzing everything and I needed some time to rewind and go forward and then at last understand where this place could be.

    V said, "We were looking for an Electric Corp power plant located near a Buck-A-Slice" and then Judy added that EC used to have a bug old complex in Charter Hill.

    After coming out of the braindance, Judy asked me if I wished to ride with her to the location or if I wished to go on my own. Well, I was not going to miss a ride with a pretty lady so I stuck with her and she started driving.

    I was looking around the beautiful night city when Judy kept driving the van and we reached the spot after a moment and Judy asked me to find a way inside when she'd hang back and scan the subnet to see if there was any blueprint of the complex lying around.

    To be Continued...

    "Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

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