"A Swift Turn of the Umbrella" - A Series of Photographs

in voilk •  5 months ago


    she hid behind
    cloth made from her skin
    she became the artwork of the devil
    in a childlike manner
    I looked into her eyes
    and I wondered who
    was looking at me
    she hid behind
    cloth made from her skin
    in a ritual
    to summon her demise

    An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write

    Girl | Girl I | Girl II | Girl III | Girl IV | Girl V | Girl VI | Girl VII | Girl VIII | Girl IX | Girl X | Girl XI | Girl XII | Girl XIII | Girl XIV | Girl XV | Girl XVI | Girl XVII | Girl XVIII | Girl XIX | Girl XX | Girl XXI | Girl XXII | Girl XXIII | Girl XXIV | Girl XXV | Girl XXVI | Girl XXVII | Girl XXVIII | Girl XXIX | Girl XXX | Girl XXXI | Girl XXXII | Girl XXXIII | Girl XXXIV | Girl XXXV

    She danced in a pattern that summoned demons and spirits; she taunted those who looked. Under an umbrella made from her own skin, she hid from the harsh rays of the sun. White and black, the dichotomy of life, reinforced the very struggle her onlookers struggled with. I found this girl in a dream-like world, where she danced and laughed in a child-like manner; yet her actions were those of someone who knew exactly what she wanted to do. She knew what she was doing.

    This time round, I found her under an umbrella dancing in the flooding of the sun. She danced and danced and danced...

    In this series of photographs, I share with you an intimate moment caught through my lens. Life through my eyes, always comes to my mind. The small details that no one seems to look for, the poetic fleeing moment. I really hope that you enjoy these photographs.

    A Swift Turn of the Umbrella








    motion blur







    Postscriptum, Floating Away


    The sun was shining so bright and hot. They gifted us paper umbrellas. The camera loved the papery white material, and I felt my artistic desire to create surge beyond mere contemplation. I wanted to pick up clay and sculpt, I wanted to pick up charcoal and draw, I wanted to write poems in the sand, just to see the wind take away the fleeting words that I wrote. I wanted to draw on the paper umbrella.

    We visited a sculpture garden and the girl appeared in her habitat, between art and dreams. I took photographs of this intimate moment, one of those fleeting moments in which you realise that life is made up of these moments.


    She swiftly turned the umbrella in her hand, only to see a world spun out of control lay in front of her.


    I hope that you enjoyed these photographs with the accompanying titles. Sometimes I feel creative and add these "titles" or "descriptions" to my photographs. They might not add anything to the work, they might add some insight. In either case, I hope that you enjoyed this post.

    For now, happy photographing and keep well.

    All of the photographs are my own, taken with my Nikon D300 and 50mm Nikkor lens. The writings and musings are also my own, albeit inspired by the girl, running around in the garden.

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