Fell Dragon Book 7 Part 2

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Greetings Readers

    Now that I have Cupcake looking over me as I work once more, I really dove into Fell Dragon. While you guys are reading the start of Book 7, I'm in the last part of it. It's gonna be a wild ride, with things you thought you knew being completely wrong, but no more spoilers. You all need to be introduced to the final new character to be allowed in the story. I will need to do an introductory chapter for him to explain who he is, but some test readers may already know who he is.

    Enjoy the update!

    Saita, while often covered in stitches or bruises, loved every moment that she spent training with the Saith. Here she wasn’t treated like a delicate flower that would shatter at the mere mention of her past. Here she was seen as a warrior, one worthy of respect and honour.

    Doran had watched her grow up as a child, watched her return broken by Edzeeker, and loved seeing her flourish amongst the Saith. His own children and wife had struggled to adapt to the new world at first, but now they happily went about their business on the planet with more friends than he could count. He didn’t have nearly as much authority here as he had had on any of the human worlds, but he was well respected due to the seat on the council Saasha had offered him.

    Many Saith barely trusted him, and even less wanted a human in the council. Saasha hadn’t asked permission, she had browbeaten the naysayers until they fell silent. Doran was her only link to what was happening amongst the humans and their alley’s lands. They needed each other.

    The human, when not on the council, often accompanied Saita to her training sessions and even her emergency doctor visits that would occasionally occur due to what she was learning. Among the Saith, there were few abilities that she could copy. She needed to actually study and practice new techniques, something she had never had to do. While occasionally, these lessons would end in disaster, most of the time, with diligent study and practice, she was learning far more than he could ever teach her.

    While he was keeping an eye on Saita, he was keeping a closer eye on the Saith who accompanied her everywhere. He had first thought the giant to be a distraction to Saita but soon learnt that this wasn’t the case. Bolx kept his distance while Saita trained with Saasha and her Guard. The only time he would interfere with any of the girl’s training was when the two of them trained late into the evening.

    Even after the main surgery had been completed, Saita still struggled with sleep and eating, much to her detriment. Bolx was always there to ensure she lived a somewhat healthy lifestyle. The more Doran saw the two of them together, the more he had come to like the Saith. He enjoyed watching the two get closer to each other. Saita had never had an opportunity to be a woman, and she was trying to catch up on the years that were stolen from her.

    Even Aidan was growing into a perfect little warrior. He could roughhouse as much as any Saith child his age and was quickly becoming the favourite of many teachers and even older students. Doran thought back to the relationship between the grey-masked butcher and her own son and was glad that history was not going to repeat itself. The boy had a mother who loved him dearly, and Saita carried no more guilt over the creation of her son.

    Aidan and Bolx were also a joy to watch together. Bolx never forced a relationship with Aidan, but the boy had taken to him over the last few months. He must have seen how the Saith brought peace to his mother and knew keeping him around longer would make her happy.

    Even Astec had come to Saith to see his son in an attempt to mend the bridge between them. It had been a slow process, but father and son were starting to rebuild their relationship. Saita and Bolx never interfered, leaving the mending to the two humans.

    “And you seem to be in a better place.” Said Saita as she came running up to him.

    “I don’t like that ability.” He said as he flicked her forehead.

    Despite her rubbing her forehead in irritation, there was a smile playing on her lips. It had been a very long time since Doran saw her so happy, despite a new blue eye that was rapidly developing.

    “You need to learn to take fewer blows to the face and more to less vulnerable areas, such as your forearms.”

    Saita raised her right arm to show several new bruises, “A Guard had to go have his hand x-rayed. Broke two fingers on my forearm yesterday.”

    Doran snorted and asked, “Training done for the day?”

    “Yes, there is some sort of festival happening tomorrow and several of the Guard want to travel to see family on the other planet.”

    “A festival in the middle of the week sounds like a nice break.”

    “From what I understand, it’s very much like Christmas, but the Saith give gifts of food, preferably homemade goods. We have been invited to the castle for tomorrow’s celebrations with Saasha’s family, and Bolx and his family will be spending the next day with me. I was wondering if you and your family would like to join the evening celebration with us?”

    “Well Darla and the boys have gone to visit her family, so I’m afraid you’ll only have my company.”

    “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” She chuckled. “I also asked Saseric if he’d be willing to visit tomorrow.”

    “You are still in communication with him?”

    “Of course! He’s my oldest friend after you. The two of you have done so much for me, I can’t imagine not having you two in my life. Is that a problem?”

    “My misgivings come from decades of facing the Lizards, Saita, don’t mind me. It would be good to see the Lizard Lord, it’s been some time.” The human chuckled and commented, “I’ll have to get cooking if I’m to impress your guests with gifts.”

    Before Saita could ask the question on her mind, Doran grinned and said, “Of course, I know how to cook, and I am well versed in the culinary skills on this planet. You, on the other hand, I am concerned about.”

    “I can cook!” she said defensively.

    Doran chuckled and asked, “Where is Bolx today? I am yet to see him.”

    “He and Aidan went to get the boy fitted with new clothes. Growing like a weed. Several shops are stocking human clothes with the influx of people traveling here now.”

    “That would explain why Darla keeps finding clothes perfectly sized.”

    “Well, I’m done for the day, would you like to train with me?”

    It had been some time since the two of them had trained together, and Doran was somewhat flattered that she still considered him one of her trainers. He couldn’t refuse.

    During the time that she had been taken to now, she had come such a long way. Whether it was from the thing inside of her or her renewed dedication to her life, Doran didn’t know, but her skills were far beyond what they had been.

    Perhaps she will defeat the Fell Dragon.

    The thought caught him off guard. Was it really possible to defeat this beast that had been locked away in a prison made of time and space? The command it had over the Wolven almost seemed magical and made Doran concerned about his young charge’s life. Even if by some miracle she managed to prevent the world from being eaten by the Fell Dragon, what kind of life would be left to her? If she became the next Fell Dragon, would she be forced to live in the same cage? What kind of life would that be?

    Doran continued to ponder that as he brought up some basics Saita had long forgotten. While spending time with the Saith had been good for her, there were aspects of her human upbringing and genetics she had seemed to forget.

    “Likely because you’re a mimic.” Said Doran nonchalantly as he walked the young woman home later in the day.

    “I still don’t like that term. People believe I can copy anything done in front of me, but it’s not that simple, and it’s difficult to explain why I can or can’t do it.”

    “A skill to adapt isn’t a bad one, though it has had several human doctors perplexed as to where our evolution will go from here if new additions to our abilities are being born.”

    “Aidan learns faster than what I do.”

    “That’s because he’s young and surrounded by Saith who want to see how hard they can push him.” The older human laughed.

    The rest of their walk was done in silence, as the training grounds gave way to homes and apartment buildings. Doran would soon be passing his home but decided to rather walk Saita all the way to her house to ensure she got there safely. It wasn’t that he was worried that she couldn’t protect herself, he just wanted to ensure that he was doing his due diligence.

    Saita seemed to be humming a tune under her breath as she walked. All signs of the injuries she picked up from the Wolven attack almost a year ago had all but faded. She still limped from time to time, but Sash had told her that with a little more physiotherapy, she would lose the limp eventually.

    That was another thing Doran was grateful to the Saith for, especially Saasha. The queen had insisted that Saita seek counselling for what she had been through and what she had learnt. While Saita had balked at the idea at first, it had been made mandatory by the queen, and therefore few other Saith would train with the girl until she accepted to see someone. Doran had no idea what the girl said in those meetings, just that her nightmares seemed fewer.

    “You really don’t have to walk me all the way home.”

    “Just let me do my duty.” He stretched and added. “And you can offer me some coffee before I leave.”

    “Deal.” She grinned.

    However, when they reached Saita’s home, a Saith was waiting for her. Doran didn’t recognise the man. He was tall and broad-shouldered with dark hair tied back, yet still seemed messy. There was something about him that looked familiar. As soon as Saita saw the man, she stopped dead in her tracks.

    “Do you know him?”
    And who is the mysterious man? If I have time, I'll write his introductory chapter and explain his history. It's not too much of a spoiler with the other books, but will be shocking. See you all on Friday!
    For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, and Book 6 here
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
    As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
    Races Explained
    Royal Guard
    Saasha’s Direct Family
    Saith Characters Recap
    Human Characters Recap
    If you want to join the Reader's list, just ask or follow me for updates on this and my other stories.

    Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
    Part 1>>You are Here>>Part 3 (Friday)
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