This cool artwork from @slimeyph of Arkemis the Bear is great. Love the action pose and dramatic energy!
Hi everyone!
Well, well, well, I tried a different strategy and it worked pretty well. I had mentioned [last season] that the Glint Earnings in Wild and Modern weren't as different as they used to be... and so for the first time ever I got both Modern and Wild up to Champs III. Success!
This meant I got a bunch more loot chests that I don't normally get... and I seemed to get more Glint than usual overall, so I think it was a bit of a winner for me.
This was my last win of the season in Wild at rating 3,720:
This was my last win in Modern at rating 3,760:
I had come off a loss both times so I didn't have any streaks in play. Many seasons ago I'm sure I was earning nearly double the amount of Glint in Wild... so personally I'm glad that's no longer the case.
Interestingly there might be a slight bug here:
I finished the Wild season exactly on 3,700 on a loss, but I've dropped down to Gold I instead of Diamond II...
It's super weird... it's like the system thought I finished in Diamond II instead of Champs III...
I could understand if being right on 3,700 maybe convinced the systems I finished in Diamond I instead of Champs III... but thinking I finished in Diamond II definitely seems like a bug.
No worries though, hopefully I'll be able to climb back into Champs III from Gold I... it's a much longer journey but at least I'll pick up more Loot Chests along the way.
Looks like Land 1.75 will hit next week and all my plots look like they'll be good for Stone or Grain. I do currently have a Rare Magical plot that has been collecting Research, so I'm not sure if I'll change that over or not.
I've been farming a surplus of grain and SPS as well... and as far as I can tell Land 1.75 will require me to pau Iron, Wood and Stone to farm anything now... but while that makes it more expensive for me to collect resources, it also means its going to be expensive for everyone else.
I only have 7 plots, but I've got some really decent cards on them so my efficiency is pretty high...
I think generally these changes are better for me overall than players with lots of plots but not as many cards.... but I guess we'll see. I'm not really planning much, I'll just roll with whatever happens.
Also the final Rebellion Voucher card is being released next week as well:
I bought the previous two (Mana Warden and Ulfga the Blighted) but I actually don't have the vouchers for Kelan Gaines.... it's a shame because it's a cool card. I do love me some double strike.
Alright, let's see how we did...
Match Report
Stat | #Wild | #Modern |
Rank | Champion #571 | Champion #207 |
Rating | 3700 - Champion III | 3740 - Champion III |
Rating High | 3760 | 3800 |
Ratio (Win/Loss) | 1.10 (76/69) | 1.07 (141/132) |
Longest Streak | 8 | 7 |
Really happy to have hit Champs III for both.
Usually I would hit Diamond II for Modern so I wouldn't sink too far and then spend all my time in Wild with the bots, so it's definitely more fun for me to have the option of flicking between Modern and Wild whenever I'm feeling beaten up too badly in one.
I'm surprised my Win/Loss Ratio is above 1 for both... I thought I was losing a lot more than that.
I guess next season we're going to see way more games played in Wild than Modern since I'm in Gold II now... so I think the game numbers will flip.
Rewards Report
Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)
Ranked Play Wins | Tokens Received |
217 | ✨ 292405 Glint + ⭐2420.414 SPS |
Season Rewards Claimed | ✨ 223759 Glint |
Glint Spent | ✨ (472500) Glint |
Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.
So interestingly... all the duplicate Legendaries I put up for sale over the last couple of seasons have all sold... I thought they would take a lot longer to sell... so now that I still need 6 legendary cards to max them all out, maybe I take the gamble, buy a batch of Legendary Draws, and sell the ones I don't need to fund the ones I do need.
It is a gamble because if I pay the 10,000 DEC to unlock them, and they don't sell... then I've kind of wasted that 10K DEC (I have no idea what the rental market is like for reward cards).
Anyway, this is my Glint at the end of the season:
It was about 70K more than last season.
I hadn't spent all my Glint last season either (I was thinking about buying Loot Chests during the season to increase energy, but then just never did that), so this is what I ended up with:
Alright, this is where I'm at with Legendary Reward cards currently:
All maxed but Surly Drunk and Death Ranger.
10 Legendary Draws for 350,000 Glint with 10 Alchemy potions:
Okay, so neither of the ones I needed, but I did get a Gold Foil Gallicus, which is awesome, but also kind of a curse because you have to spend 250K DEC ($180 USD) to unbind the gold foil cards... and I'm just not sure if that secondary market exists...
But this does mean I have 9 cards to sell in order to buy the final 9 cards I need.
They all cost 10,000 DEC ($7.54 USD) to unlock, so I have to sell them for at least that much. If I can get $9ish dollars for them each I'd be happy.
This is where I'm up to with Epic Reward cards:
I'm so close!
25 Epic Draws for 187,500 Glint with 25 Alchemy potions:
Okay, so one Gold Foil... and I've now manage to max the Night Reaper (which gives me Last Stand), the Kha'zi Conjurer, the Thanalorian Blade (which gives Trample which is awesome for this card) and I'm a single BCX from maxing Arachne Weaver... so, ah, I think I did it, I officially maxed the Epic Rebellion Reward cards.
Next... 100 Rare Draws for 75000 Glint with 0 Alchemy potions:
I didn't get any gold foils, but made some good progress.
400 Common Draws for 60000 Glint with 0 Alchemy potions:
I got 7 gold foil cards in this batch.
I think that's all for this reward season... I've got 40K Glint remaining for next season.
🟣 Rental Report
Type | DEC |
Revenue | 17483.655 |
Expenses (inc. fees) | (699.359) |
Cancellation Refunds | 0.000 |
NET | 16784.296 |
I think I heard that rentals are changing to season-long... but I don't really know what's going on there... hopefully I don't have to do anything.
Hmmm, I'm not sure why the SPS Report isn't showing up... I definitely harvested my land and claimed my SPS from the pools and all the things before the season finished... here is my track record...
Season | SPS | Season | SPS | Season | SPS |
69 | 68 | 67 | ??? | ||
66 | 19936.037 | 65 | N/A | 64 | 15892.653 |
63 | 15275.315 | 62 | 20313.589 | 61 | 8024.806 |
60 | 14245.999 | 59 | 25954.925 | 58 | ??? |
57 | 13692.108 | 56 | 14230.283 | 55 | 14892.994 |
54 | 16192.784 | 53 | 5563.962 | 52 | 9952.873 |
51 | 14906.164 | 50 | ??? | 49 | ??? |
48 | 9937.225 | 47 | 11544.785 | 46 | 19670.974 |
45 | ??? | 44 | ??? | 43 | 11209.623 |
42 | 11368.979 | 41 | 15734.601 | 40 | 5738.528 |
39 | 12692.220 | 38 | 10405.610 | 37 | 7841.389 |
36 | 9657.743 | 35 | 9336.764 | 34 | 13413.875 |
33 | 29556.874 | 32 | ??? | 31 | 10591.881 |
30 | 12390.883 | 29 | 12757.227 | 28 | 13324.727 |
27 | 14735.391 | 26 | 18423.610 | 25 | 15592.310 |
24 | 9888.861 | 23 | 11190.555 | 22 | 11704.133 |
21 | 14514.412 | 20 | 16059.041 | 19 | 17007.533 |
18 | 32635.224 | 17 | ??? | 16 | 9157.288 |
15 | 17757.516 | 14 | 14016.525 | 13 | 12265.515 |
I'm still not brave enough to try Survival. It looks like the SPS rewards are absolutely astonishing in there... literal hundreds of SPS per win... but I'm still after the Glint at this point so it's not worth it to me.
Hope you're all having fun! I'm off to put a bunch of Epic duplicates on the market.
Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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