MY HIVE GOALS & SATURDAY SAVERS CLUB 033 (14-February) - Not Much We Can Do Without HIVESQL

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Well Hello there , As usual, the opener of this post will be similar.

    Welcome to my #Saturdaysavers Club weekly update. I am glad despite what happens in my real life, I still be able to make this post on time. This post with title : MY HIVE GOALS and SATURDAYS SAVERS CLUB is my regular routine post I publish every Saturday (if it is on time), and this is actually a form of my participation in Saturday Saving Club from @eddie-earner and my engagement for #myhivegoals movement too.

    What do we have right now? Well first we have NO BUY MONTH in our #saturdaysavers club. You can check it on our last update here:

    The second one is a bit shocking that one of our club member passed away last week. Although I never met him, never talk directly to him, but I have seen him chatting in Discord several time. He was a very good and kind guy. I hope you rest in peace Erik.

    Ok now back to my topic right now, Nothing we can do without HIVESQL. There are many developers who use this HIVESQL and right now because its down from hacker attacks, we can not do anything.

    Ok can not do anything might a bit exaggerating so I might try do list down some project that I am participating with.

    DHEDGE Collapsing

    Without HIVESQL, it seems TaskManager could not do anything much. There was not dividen of Dhedge and DVS. Ultimately big delegators do not wish to waste any opportunity from their HP so many withdrawing their HP delegation.

    Because Dhedge lost its HP delegation, its upvoting power was lowered too... and people trying to save their money buy selling the token... so Dhedge and DVS price right now are falling down badly.

    I do not care about the upvote stuffs, because I am interest in Dhedge due to their !DHEDGE tipping command. However without dividen, its sucks for sure. I send my biggest HP delegation to them in hope of getting more Dhedge, and I haven't got any...

    Should I join those guy leaving Dhedge too?

    The Dabless DAB

    The second one is @dailydab . They haven't sent any dividen due to this HIVESQL issue, so right now I am holding DAB only, and did not receive any HIVE which supposed to be given daily.

    I am expecting the daily liquid HIVE from them would help me out in buying some HSBI rewards and power up incase I am busy and can't make any post... but Well...

    Crypto bankrupt Company CEO

    I am preparing my own company in @cryptocompany CEO game. I have 0 policy of buying game token right now, so all I can do is delegating some HP to get their currency.

    Without HiveSQL, no Crypto Company Dollar (CCD) sent as dividen. I am on #49 right now, soon might get thrown out from top 50... I feel like a CEO in a bankrupt company

    LoL I hope soon HiveSQL can work again and I do not look like a failing CEO 😂

    Ok thats for today, I believe all of us here, not only you and I, are having bad time due to this HIVESQL issues.

    now lets check my savings...


    My primary goal is to grow my Hive Power as good as possible. A goal must have a target so I have decided that my primary goal is to reach 11.500 Hive Power (HP).

    My goal is to have 11.500 HP this year, not an easy one but of course it is very possible. Let's start this one by checking my HP Growth recap right now:

    I keep the failing streak longer, 7 Weeks now. Will it be the 8th streaks next week? Well Why not... But Anything can happen next week, because we will have Hive Power Up Day (HPUD). I might do power up for 100 and we will see the green-ed area again on above table.

    Usually I am sharing some hive growth graphs here, but I am skipping it for this one. The data is not properly shown... Recently everything often to be wonky on HIVE. I do not know exactly what happen and I could only pray and hope everything will be better next week.

    Anyway have you prepared for next week HPUD? Don't miss it out guys!


    This is my current HBD in my HIVE Wallet

    nothing has changed from last week, right?

    Currently I do not have anything to do or planning something great with HBD. I am keeping my saving on 200 $HBD.

    I don't know what will happen next week, we have HPUD and maybe HIVESQL will be back working again... so whatever there are, whether my HBD will rise or get taken out... Hopefully it will be for the good.


    My secondary saving targets are HIVE second layer tokens, and at this moment I have set the priority target is $ALIVE token and my goal this year is to get 6.000 Alive Power (AP). AP stands the same as HP, which means the staked $ALIVE.

    $ALIVE & #AliveOnFriday

    This is my $ALIVE screenshot from my wallet.

    DatePrevious APCurrent APTargetNotes
    6 January 20243313716.000+40
    13 January 20243714056.000+34
    20 January 20244055376.000+132
    27 January 20245375656.000+28
    3 February 20245655956.000+30
    10 February 20245555996.000+4
    17 February 20245996226.000+23
    24 February 20246226376.000+15

    Atleast my AP (alive power) Growth is double digit. The more I spend on this Community (We Are Alive) the higher growth I get because the more I curate contents with #ALIVE and #ALIVEANDTHRIVING tagging... So as you can see above, Although its not great, my growth or my $ALIVE saving rate is recovering again.

    And I still keep my policy which is avoiding buying $ALIVE directly. Maybe I will buy more but not on this quarter.


    Other than $ALIVE, I am saving these tokens too

    TokensStatusLast PeriodTodayTargetnotes

    Sometime I wonder, should I go back to my previous style, which I was mostly dwelling on these tribes only... Well that's not a bad idea to increase the growth of my tribe tokens, although some big fishes later will say I am too much self centered

    Well, let see later... shall we?


    Saturday Savers Club is for anyone who wants to make some saving in any currency for any purpose. The Club is a supportive group of people who every week making some post about our saving plan and update. Some even share tips and techniques or maybe sharing their fun in the process.

    For further information and if you want to join into this club, you can do your own research on @eddie-earner. We are waiting for any of you out there to make this club bigger and more exciting.

    See you next Saturday...

    CREDITS : for providing image tools and free image

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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