Let's Play Bushi

in voilk •  3 months ago


    I'm into web3 gaming but I haven't really been blogging about other games aside from Splinterlands and Godsunchained. I want to start occasionally sharing some games that I have played or currently playing. I started playing Bushi almost two weeks ago with @zactian and @iamscinttwister. I shared this game in my discord as I'm constantly researching new projects in the crypto space. I'm mostly focused on web3 gaming projects. Bushi was having a tournament with a $25k prize pool and I thought there was potential for us to make the leaderboard to earn some money. The game also seemed fun so why not right. I didn't have time to try the game out yet but Zactian played and recommended me to give it ago. I played the game and it was fun.



    You can see here I'm ranked 221st at the time of this post. There was a time I was in the top 100 but I just didn't have the time to play for the past week so I just dropped hard.


    Zactian is 10th! He's a warrior. I think he plays everyday to maintain this position.


    Here you can see the reward for the rankings. Zactian will be getting 50 dollars and I'll be getting 20 provided we maintain our position. The tournament ends on the 19th so I might just play a bit tomorrow to hold my position. These rewards are sadly subject to change so I'll just hope that it stays as is. If not wrong there will be another session with the balance because you can see here the total is only 12,350.

    Thoughts On Gameplay


    The game play is simple and fun. There are three main skills. The first skill is the parry which basically counters any attack if timed correctly and reflects back the damage. There is a dodge and there is a dash that does damage. Then there are two types of attacks. One is a melee and the second is shooting an arrow. There are healing jars around that can heal 100 health when consumed; take note that each hero has 200 health. Unfortunately, there is only one character at the moment to play. Hopefully, they add more as there's huge potential for the game to be more fun with more skills and playstyles. Another bad thing about the game right now is that they fill the games with bots since there is low match liquidity. I would recommend playing with friends because it makes the game more fun.


    This is the lobby where players vote for the map and game mode. There will be four choices to choose from. If you see the chatting, it's just bots. The bots will have it in their name and they are actually pretty good so don't underestimate them. They get to play on zero ping which is every gamer's dream.

    Well that's all for me for Bushi. Let me know if you are joining the next tournament, you can play together with me, zactian and iamscinttwister. I'd like to play against human players. We can go 3v3!

    Screenshots from Bushi website and in-game

    Bushi Official Links

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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