On the coast

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Nekada smo daleko ali bi baš voleli da čujemo o čemu neki ljudi pričaju, upravo kao i ovaj par zaljubljenih..
    Danas uživajte u osunčanoj obali...

    Sometimes we are far away, but we would really like to hear what some people are talking about, just like this couple in love...
    Enjoy the sunny coast today...


    Olovka je zanimljiva, ali hajde da vidimo kako izgleda kada se oboji...

    The pencil is interesting, but let's see how it looks when colored...


    Počela sam od neba... Samo strpljivo...

    I started from the sky... Just be patient...


    Videćete magiju sa samo dve, tri boje...

    You will see magic with only two, three colors...


    Uživam u prelamanju svela na njihovoj košulji i haljini...

    I enjoy the contrast of the lines on their shirt and dress...


    Smenjivanje plave svetlosti i zraka sunca mešali su se svuda...

    Alternating blue light and sunbeams mingled everywhere...


    Da li vam se dopala kratka akvarel priča ovog zaljubljenog para na obali
    Puno poljubaca dragi Hajveri i želim vam laku noć.💌✨🌠

    Did you like the short watercolor story of this couple in love on the shore
    Lots of kisses dear Hiveri and I wish you a good night.💌✨🌠

    Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

    Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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