Are We Using the Full Capabilities of Blockchain?

in voilk •  5 months ago


    The ever public ledger in which cryptocurrencies ride across.
    This seamless ledger of data was first introduced with the first ever big crypto coin Bitcoin.
    Satoshi Nakamoto, wanted a never changing report of transactions that would bind together blocked of that using adverse cryptography.
    This idea was his solution to the frequent double spending problem that was eating into digital currencies.

    This solution made by Satoshi worked very well for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
    It worked so well that one can't help but see how it would help in so many other aspects of life.
    Just as it may, the #leofinance February monthly prompt challenge for today asked about new use cases for the Blockchain and just off the top of my head I can list of 5.

    1. Healthcare

    The Blockchain at it's very core is a list of data and values that are kept in sealed spaces.
    This values are individually special and distinct, at such it can easily be used in the healthcare system in a mode of patient inputting.
    Medical records that are inputted in a Blockchain type of system would be phenomenal in speed of recollection and updation.
    What this means is that updated medical records on any patient can be easily gotten by a doctor. It would be even more advantageous to patients forced to see multiple doctors.
    These doctor would be able to see the updated record of said patient, administer his/her treatment then update it again and keep said record back.
    This record that has been kept won't rot, change or get missing. It would always be on the network for the doctor to revisit or for another doctor to review.

    2. Money Transfers.

    The initial use of the Blockchain to transfer cóins from one wallet to another would be put in play here.
    Imagine transferring money intercontinentally now, the exuberant fees and the slow process and time is always a headache to bot the sender and receiver.
    Yet if we were sending $HIVE or $HBD, said amount of money would be sent instantly with almost no fees at all.

    3. Voting

    If a country were to implement a Blockchain service on their voting process by putting Personal Identity Information on a Blockchain technology, the upsides would be crazy.
    It would kill the problem of multiple voters as only eligible humans would be allowed to vote and since the Blockchain data is a sealed box, votes cannot be tampered with.
    Plus, if voting was something as easy as tapping a few buttons on your smartphone, there would surely be an increase in the amount of voters and patriots.

    4. Securing Personal Information

    If we were to keep our personal information such as name, date of birth, age, blood type, etc as data in a Blockchain.
    It may actually be able to keep this personal data way better than the current safekeeping systems we have now which are becoming more susceptible to hacks.
    Since Blockchain is a public ledger too, even though these personal data are safely locked, it would still be readily available to Industries who might need them such as education, healthcare, and finance.

    3. Government Management and Benefits.

    The last use I thought of when brainstorming for this topic is one which hiys very close to home.
    Personal identities stored in a Blockchain type system can be used in allocating governmental benefits by making sure the individual getting that service actually qualifies to get it.
    Welfare, Medicare, Social securities are all benefits which are sought after by individuals and are won by other set of individuals.
    Yet the Blockchain technology would help the government decide on who actually qualifies more for this service. It can also help reduce fraud when keeping this service, especially those that are time/age based.

    These are just five out of numerous possible use cases for Blockchain today.
    It would really help if they were to be carried out but alas most greedy people in power wouldn't want such.

    Especially in the Voting and Government Benefits aspect :⁠-⁠(

    Regardless it's just good we see the untouched abilities of what we simply use to send and review coins...

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