From a Cautious Minnow to a Singing Dolphin

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    Prompt: Singing Dolphin

    After two years and eight months, I finally reached Dolphin status.

    Reading @geekgirl’s article convinced me of the logic of changing my HIVE and HBD investing strategy. In response to her insight, I withdrew my 507 HBD savings and waited for three days to convert them into HIVE.

    Last night, I bought a total of 1,425 HIVE and powered them up. This is the biggest power-up I made since the day I joined Hive. This morning, I received a notification from @hivebuzz that I already reached the Dolphin status. I consider this an important milestone in my Hive journey:

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    Thinking of the fish classification we have here on Hive and observing both my attitude and what I expect to be an ideal attitude for each level, I came up with five adjectives to describe each fish category. Of course, this is my subjective projection of how each fish category should behave in the network. The adjectives I came up with are: bragging, cautious, singing, silent, and humble.

    Bragging Plankton

    A plankton or a redfish holds the smallest account on Hive. However, some planktons talk and write like a whale. Despite the size of their accounts, they project an image influence and knowledge far beyond their current status. Somehow, this attitude is tolerable due perhaps to the excitement that they experience with this newfound technology and platform.

    Though I don’t generalize that all planktons behave the same way, at least, I found myself acting the way I described above during my early months here on Hive. I talk and write as if I know a lot while in reality, I know little. Thanks for the silent treatment that none so far responded to my bragging.

    When I first wrote an article about a bragging redfish on 01 March 2022, the idea that caught my attention was the concept of compounding on Hive through layer 2 dApps. It took me eight months of wandering on Hive before I realized such a potential and opportunity of having a Hive account. At that time, the tokens that I was focusing on were LEO, SPT, ONEUP, SME, and CTP. After more than two years, I still retain LEO but I already dropped the last four in my list of priorities and replaced them with other tokens such as CENT, DRIP, and ZING.

    Cautious Minnow

    Description of a Cautious Minnow

    Using the term "minnow" metaphorically in the context of cryptocurrency refers to small crypto holders. These small investors often make up the bulk of the cryptocurrency community. Nevertheless, despite their small size, minnows collectively contribute to the liquidity and diversity of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

    In aquatic ecosystems, there are several interesting insights to describe the qualities of minnows:

    • Minnows are known for their social behavior, often swimming in schools for protection against predators.

    • Due to their small size and abundance, minnows serve as an essential food source for larger predatory fish and other aquatic animals.

    • In addition to their ecological importance, minnows are also popular as bait for fishing, especially for catching larger game fish.

    I wish that among the three qualities described above, only the first, the social behavior, will be displayed here on Hive. As for the remaining two, I don’t want to see minnows used as “food” or “bait” for other predators, if such entities exist here on Hive.

    Shift to Minnow Account

    On 11 July 2022, my account transformed from a plankton to a minnow. It took me 334 days or 11 months to achieve this new status. It was at that time that I made the Dolphin status as my new goal. I didn’t expect that I need a year and nine months to achieve this new target.

    As for the growth of my account to a minnow status, I credited that to Splinterlands and Listnerds and some influencers and community members on Hive for their support. Currently, though I still play Splinterlands, in terms of writing content, I already stopped for quite some time.

    Listnerds was the most frustrating platform for me. I was so positive at that time that the LISTNERDS token could help me achieve my Hive goals in the fastest way possible. As all users of the platform are now aware, we still don’t know the future direction of this project, or if this has been completely abandoned unannounced.

    Shifting to a minnow status, I changed my description from “bragging” to “cautious”. When I first entered the crypto space in August 2021, I was not aware of the risks and threats associated with “bragging.” In a digital space where anonymity abounds, such bragging might attract unwanted attention and increase the likelihood of becoming a target for hackers, and even alienate others within the community. As such, I consider it wise to remain cautious and vigilant as I focus on growing my account to reach the Dolphin status and beyond.

    Singing Dolphin

    Description of a Singing Dolphin

    Minnows swimming amidst giants require cautiousness and vigilance. Possessing a long-term mindset and perseverance combined with education and strategic decision-making, a cautious minnow can transform into a singing dolphin, riding the waves of success in the Hive network.

    Overall, singing dolphins embody the ideal of success. Such success is made possible by receiving increased recognition within Hive and other tribes built on Hive. They serve as role models for planktons and minnows, demonstrating that inclusive opportunities exist here on Hive and can be achieved through consistency, engagement, knowledge, and ethical behavior. Such success will attract attention and sooner they find themselves, swimming alongside veteran holders, sharing insights, and contributing to the collective knowledge of the community.

    My Transformation to the Dolphin Status


    As of last night, as I follow the advice of @dagger212 given above, I came up with the following numbers for the first three biggest HIVE Power (HP) holders in terms of fish category:

    • Whales: 40 Hive accounts

    • Orcas: 272 Hive accounts

    • Dolphin: Hive 5,481 accounts

    I am now included in those 5,481 accounts. The new number required to reach the dolphin status is now 5,793 HP. With 5,884 HP, I now have 10,174,752 vests, which is 174k above the 10M minimum requirement.

    A New Goal within 3 to 5 years: Silent Orca

    A plankton that talks like a whale and a whale that behaves like a plankton are both anomalies in the crypto space. The description I attached to whales is humility. As for orcas, it is silence.

    A humble whale is not within my reach. I have to accept my limitations. Time is no longer on my side. If I started young, perhaps I could do it.

    Reaching the Dolphin status, my new goal now is to become a silent orca.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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