Baby making with knitting rope💓

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello needleworkers💞
    How are you all doing?
    Hope you're all faring well?.
    I'm so excited to be part of this community and today i will be sharing to you on how i made a baby with knitting rope and other materials

    Today is my free day and of course it's weekend so I got so less busy after doing my usual chores, at some point it became boring so i decided to make use of my time properly.
    After many thoughts i decided to make a baby to which I'll attach to my hand bag to beautify it.
    I already had my materials at home example the wool, scissors etc so i began the process

    Material i used were
    -Wool of different colors (purple,white and black)

    • A measuring tape
      -A comb
    • A scissors
    • A hard book

    And these are the steps i used in achieving this :

    I cut my hard book by measuring 16cm using my tape

    After getting the accurate measurement i placed my purple wool on the hard paper and rolled it 50 times

    After rolling 50 times, i cut out my black wool and used it in tying the edge of the wool while it is still attached to the paper

    After that, i pulled it out slowly and cut the end part which was still joined to each other

    After cutting it out, i folded a little paper to make it round in the outlook, looked for the middle of the wool and then opened it to attach the paper

    After attaching the paper to it,i enclosed it(this was to arrive at the baby's face)after which i used my white wool to tie just below the covered part with contained the paper, i tied it firmly just so it wont loose

    After getting the face of my baby,i moved on to the next step which i used the hard paper (12cm). After getting 12cm,i rolled my purple wool around it 6 times

    After rolling it i pulled it out slowly and tied part of it (3cm) using my white wool

    When i pulled it out,i cut the edge that was joined together and then divided the wool into three parts
    After dividing it, i started making braids with it

    After getting the complete braids i used my white wool to tie and the cut both sides just after the purple color out

    After arriving at my complete braids which served at a hand,i went back to the body (wool)and opened the middle after which i placed my braided wool on it and enclosed it

    After putting it in the middle, i used my white wool to tie it firmly and my baby's body was complete

    And the next step was to make my baby's hair
    So the process i used was to use the hard paper which was 12cm an rolled my black wool on it 15 times

    After this,i pulled it out of the paper and attached it to the head of the dull which had a black wool on it. I used the black wool on it to tir the wool i cut to the head,after tying it i cut the edges and this is what i got

    After that process
    I combed the wool and pulled it all to the back so that i can tie it easily,after the whole process, i tied the hair

    And finally my baby doll was more than ready,i did all the necessary arrangement and that was my final step

    Thank you everyone for sharing in my post
    Have a nice day Needleworkers🙏💓

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