Good people still exist

in voilk •  4 months ago

    In the past, we didn't need to debate too much about where good people exist because many are their brother's keepers. I have heard about some good samaritans putting others first before their own need or wants. Should I say this is attributed to the fact that then there is what is called family unity? A typical family setting of 15 to 20 people eating together without any fear of being harmed. However, it doesn't mean that there were no evils in the past. I have also heard stories of people perpetrating evils at the expense of their loved ones. It is just that the rate of crime and evils against humanity we have nowadays is more prevalent than in the past.

    Nowadays, family is often limited to the bearest nucleus family with the father, mother and their wards unlike before when we have extended family around. I'm not saying we have zero number of this occurence today but it is relatively small compared to what we used to have in the past. A typical example is the fencing culture that African families embraced over a couple of decades ago. This is not part of our culture. Our culture promotes community unity and interference. Not a culture of me and my family. A stranger from the street can scold an earring child for misbehaving in the past without fear of having to face the mother or father of the so-called child but now, the stranger does not try if he or she doesn't want to face the wrath of the parent's child.

    It is always good to be good as I believe in the law of Karman that whether you show to the world you are certainly going to reap it even if it is not your generation. Your children will surely taste in our contribution to humanity whether good or bad.

    I used to have a professor who was ever ready to be of help in a way that he did fit to assist. His door is always open for students at all times. In most cases, he would go out of his way to help students settle whatever difficulty they might encounter in the course of their studies, unlike some professors/ lecturers whom you can't enter their office without an appointment. Many of them would even use abusive words just to prove their point. The professor is the kind of person that makes me believe that good people still exist.

    I also have a mother figure who had been of help during my undergraduate days without asking for anything in return. She had assisted in paying part of my school fees without holding grudges or feeling indifferent about her actions still I finished my undergraduate studies.

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