Tickle Me Thursdays - Dry January is over

in voilk •  5 months ago

    An Idea is born

    All of us regular Rorys and Daily Deborahs on Hive who try to post every day or every other day can sometimes struggle to think of something to post about.

    I mean journalists and authors whose profession and living relies upon their creative writing can even struggle to put words down on paper sometimes. The words can sometimes choke in the pen and nothing comes to mind or whatever does come to mind doesn't seem worthy or good enough.

    It's not a nice feeling and I reckon that we've all been there, especially given that most of us are not writers by trade. I'm an engineer and although I loved English and Literature in school, I went down a different road academically and Telecommunications is the industry that I now work in.

    So in my spare time which is fleeting to say the least, and I have 30 to 60 minutes to dedicate to Hive, I want to get into a state of flow as quickly as possible and get those words and thoughts down on paper as quickly as possible and post it. Otherwise another day passes with no post and I let a few years to go by without posting much at all and that was opportunity lost.

    Anyone that knows me on here will know about my Three Tune Tuesday idea that is hugely popular now. I shared three songs every Tuesday and talk a little about them and invite others to do the same and with the help of brilliant sponsors, we put up a weekly prize of 11 HBI to the weekly winner.

    The reason I mention Three Tune Tuesday is because it helps me to avoid writer's block, as I know that every Tuesday my post will be about Three Tune Tuesday and then every Wednesday day is the showcase and results of the prior week. Then I have detlev's #BeerSaturday covering Saturdays and when mushrooms are around here in Ireland, I have @ewkaw's #FungiFriday.

    My latest idea is going to cover of Thursdays for me and if any of guys fancy getting on board too, just use the tag #ticklemethursday and if I get time, I'll come and find your post and hopefully get a good laugh.

    composing-2925179_1280 (1).jpg

    Now I have the following days post ideas locked in, which will help me a lot. So my week suddenly looks much easier to plan out, with only Monday and Sunday requiring me to come up with something to post about, which could be about Food, Sport, Technology, Cryptocurrency, Investments, My Dogs, My Walks etc.

    • Monday -
    • Tuesday - THREE TUNE TUESDAY
    • Thursday - TICKLE ME THURSDAY
    • Friday - FUNGI FRIDAY
    • Saturday - BEER SATURDAY
    • Sunday -

    What is Tickle Me Thursday?

    Like Three Tune Tuesday, it's all in the name and hopefully Tickle Me Thursday is obvious and people will see that it's exactly what it says on the tin. You go to the #ticklemethursday tag to get a laugh, the shits and giggles so to speak.

    For me it's going to be one really funny meme or funny photo that's relevant to the given week or a funny story or thing that happened in my life or a joke that I find really funny, ranging from the long story telling jokes to short snappy one liners.

    So there you have it, Tickle Me Thursdays is born!

    This week's Laugh

    As ye know I did Dry January last year and again this year. For those unfamiliar with the concept it means zero alcohol for the month of January.

    During January, one of the guys sent this one onto me and oh how I laughed!! 🤣🤣


    The first photo above was taken from Pixabay and the second one was sent to me on What'sApp

    Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

    Peace Out


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