The Morning Joy

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Still in the bid to commemorate the victory of my Lord, which took place about two thousand years ago. I would love to use this opportunity being the Easter season to share a story that my grandma told me two years ago to explain the powerful love of Christ that led Him to offer Himself on the cross.


    It all started on a rainy day with lightnings flashing on the window frame. A young lady laid on her bed in the confines of her corner in the hostel room,lost in thought about the action she just took twenty minutes earlier. She was drained in blood and writhing in pains due to the sharp contractions on her waist and her lower abdomen. Sitted under her bunk was a stainless bucket filled with thick blood, which was obtained from a quick termination of pregnancy from her.

    Regardless of her good and loving parental upbringing, she was crying profusely as she felt regrets that she had disappointed her parents and loved ones. Still soaked in her tears and blood coupled with the pains she was experiencing, she fell into a deep sleep and she had a dream where she was clothed in a white gown which became dirty due to dirts and bloodstains on it. It also appeared jagged and her feet were cold and calloused with no shoes on. Her hair was disheveled and she was on a lonely path which looked dark.

    While she was crying due to fear of where she was,a bright figure walked towards her which seemed to blind her sight for a moment. She then heard a thunderous voice which made her fall to the ground trembling saying"How long should I wait for you to be ready?". She cried out "Lord I know it is you but can you still accept me the way I am?" The voice replied warmly,"I accepted you long ago when I hung on that cross but I was waiting for you to see it". "I did something and I cannot forgive myself and I don't know how to plead for my wrong before you and my parents".
    "Get up from your bed you will meet help outside your room",the voice said.


    Immediately she woke up she heard a knock on the door,she struggled to clean herself up before getting the door. On opening it, she saw a box which had a little brown puppy inside it. The puppy looked sick and helpless and had a wound on its leg and a little scratch behind its eadr. Feeling love and sympathy for the puppy, she picked it up and was tending to the wounds.

    While cleaning up the puppy though she was in pains earlier on,a voice in her head comforted her saying, "The same way the puppy is cleaned and cared for, so have I taken care of you". Immediately she felt this relief wash through her and her countenance brightened up.
    Reacting to the story, grandma spoke on how the love of Christ looks beyond the flaws by giving His own life on the cross for the sake of mankind and coming back to life.This is the reason for the celebration of Easter today.

    So, this is me wishing everyone Happy Easter through my write up.

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