Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - Little League

in voilk •  last month


    Hello! This post is for the entry of Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge. For this week, we have Little League as the featured ruleset. This post features a battle that uses a new strategy that was introduced with the release of Rebellion set, using Moxian Rebel.


    Little League

    • Only units and summoners with a mana cost of 4 or less may be used.

    In Little League, there is not a lot to say because the ruleset is simple. It only allows units and summoners that cost 4 or less mana. In general, using Obsidian and Moxian Rebel in this ruleset seems really good in lower leagues, because that allows magic monsters to take down opponent units with high magic damage. To counter that, if Death element is avaliable, I prefer using Thaddius Brood to counter Obsidian.



    Battle Info

    Rank: Novice Wild
    Avaliable Type: Water, Earth
    Mana: 39
    Little League: Only units and summoners with a mana cost of 4 or less may be used.
    Fog of War: All units lose the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities.

    The ruleset was really simple but also restricting. Fog of War meant that the back units are much safer, except for some Scattershot attacks, and Little League + Earth meant Obsidian could be used. Earth and Water both has some low cost Tank Heal units, which would make this battle more exciting.


    My Lineup

    Summoner: Obsidian. For the Summoner, I picked Obsidian. Like I mentioned above, by only selecting magic units, it would give +1 attack buff to all units. Since only Water and Earth is available, countering magic attackers are going to be hard with the limited elements.

    First position: Lurking Puffer. For the Tank, I went with Lurking Puffer. It has the most health out of all my units in the lineup, and because the first position is the most likely to be targeted, Lurking Puffer was selected.

    Second position: Moxian Rebel. A really strong card for 4 mana, even in level 1. By giving magic attacks to adjacent units, and buffing it with Obsidian, it gives a ton of magic attacks in my lineup for only 4 mana.

    Third position: Creeping Ooze. Then, I went for Creeping Ooze since to maximize Weapons Training ability. I could have went for other units with no attack, or even a magic attacker that costs 4 mana, but I felt that the Slow ability is important. Most of my units had 1 or 2 speed, so giving Slow effect to enemies meant that my units could attack more faster.

    Fourth position: Ujurak Mystic. Than, I went with a magic unit with Lookout. Lookout is not helpful especially without rulesets like Equal Opportunity, but It still has magic attack.

    Fifth position: Madcap Magus. Scattershot is concerning since it could just be wasted, or by luck it could take down enemies supporting unit at the back, but Life Leech should work well with the last unit, if they do not have Sneak attackers, in which they cannot due to the ruleset.

    Last position: Wood Nymph. Lastly, I went for a Tank Heal unit that also has magic attack. Not a lot to say here, but Tank Heal should impact the game at least a little bit.


    Battle Link: HERE


    Round 1

    The enemy monsters were revealed and I was really surprised that they went for Water element instead of Earth. They also had some monsters with magic attacks, and they had both Triage and Tank Heal.

    Round 1 started and because they had more faster units, their attacks went first. However, they did not have enough power to take down Lurking Puffer. The scattershot took down Pelacor Deceiver, which was good since it was the only monster that Madcap Magus could take down with only 1 hit. The strong attacks from my team also took down Cruel Sethropod and Spirit Hoarder.


    Round 2, 3

    Round 2 started and the game was basically over at this point; they did not have enough attack points to take down units, and their only heal unit was at the first spot. Although they had much faster speed, it did not prevent Merdaali Guardian and Angelic Mandarin to be taken down. At the start of Round 3, the remaining one unit: Doctor Blight was also killed by our unit, and the battle was finished.


    Thoughts about this battle

    It was a landslide victory, due to the fact that Moxian Rebel is really strong, pared with Obsidian, and with no magic counter from the enemy. Little League in general is not really dramatic because it does not enable strong units in battle, however, it also makes the game a little bit more diverse, in contrast to the whole cards being avaliable.


    Thanks to all the people that read this post!

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