A horror story elevator

in voilk •  3 months ago

    In a dingy, old-looking building, the elevator rocked and creaked as it ascended between floors. Elena, a young secretary with a nervous appearance, was trapped in it one lonely night, when the shadows of the building lengthened and everything seemed wrapped in a cloak of mystery. The darkness enveloped her like an icy embrace as she desperately tried to call for help, but her voice seemed to be lost in the infinite void that surrounded her. Suddenly, a sinister, icy whisper filled the confined space of the elevator, making his blood run cold in his veins. Her presence, as dark as the night itself, seemed to lurk from the shadows, enveloping her in an aura of discomfort and terror. Desperate, Elena hit the elevator doors with all her might, screaming for help until her knuckles were red and sore. Finally, with a shocking screech, the elevator restarted, taking her back to the tangible reality of her floor. Stepping onto solid ground, a sigh of relief escaped her trembling lips, but a feeling of discomfort lingered in her mind. She felt as if an evil gaze was watching her from some dark corner of the hallway, reminding her that, although she had physically escaped the elevator, something dark and evil still lurked in the shadows of her own mind.

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