in voilk •  last month

    Name two things you do well and two things you do badly and explain. Remember to use your own photos.

    Hello, good weekenders! It's been a while. I've been full these months.

    Some important things happened. My best friend got dangerously sick, but now she's fine, and almost two weeks ago, her grandma passed. Also, I've been teaching two kids from my neighborhood, and I've been creating methods so they could learn basic things that's been given in school.

    So, I guess I will name the two things I do well (in my opinion) based on that.

    When I was in university, I always found it difficult to create didactic games for teaching. I didn't know if it was due to the pressure I felt at that precise moment or if it was because I didn't see myself teaching in the future.

    The thing is, that now, I've been full with new ideas. One of the kids I teach is a four-year-old girl. She's been struggling with the recognition of easy stuff like colors, vowels, and numbers. So I made a few games and they successfully worked. That should mean something, right?

    I guess I got good in something like creating educational content for small kids. Take a look...

    The other thing I'm good at is writing.

    I loved writing, and these days, I've been writing these micro stories as a way of helping the other kid with her listening and dictation. Finding stories for kids is hard, but fortunately, my mind works fast, and I've been writing micro stories on the spot.

    I think she's getting better at listening and dictation, but she needs to practice more.

    Also, I'm a writer of poetry and long stories, so it's a thing I'm really good at.

    For the two things I do badly... well, I might say I'm not good at drawing and taking good photos. These artistic skills are something I really need to work at. I have to put all the effort into me to do it well.

    When I have to draw things for the kids to paint, it is awfully ugly. But I tried.

    Same with photos. I don't know the good angles, or what does that even mean. And I don't know how to caliber my phone camera to take good photos. Some got blurry, others too dark, others too bright.

    I guess no one can be good at everything, right? hahaha.

    Thank you for stopping by.

    Note: all photos were taken by me with my Samsung galaxy A12.
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