Splinterlands | Collecting Max Rebel cards for from market

in voilk •  4 months ago


    What’s up Splinterlands players!

    I hope all of you are doing well in your life and also enjoying this amazing game at its best. Well, since the Rebellion card has been introduced to the game, the gameplay has been completely changed. Nowadays as I have experienced while Playing, there are too much using of Weapon training ability cards and they are even working great in max league. I am also a lover of this weapon training ability and has been using this strategy often whenever I find a suitable spot. Since I have bought the Rebellion monster Deadblast that comes with the same ability, I have fallen love with this strategy and of course it is grabbing me good win rate while playing in ranked as well. The main advantage of weapon training is that you can always have a good handful of options if you have enough collection of attack less cards. Weather you want to choose some attack power for your 1 mana Chaos Agent or 3 mana healer Guardian, Smith or Baajkira, Riftwing or xx etc, you always get a variety of choices to choose toward and backward side of your weapon training card respecting the ruleset and mana etc so that you get a win out of it.


    Before talking further about rebel cards and my buying, let us first take a peek at my current ranked season progress and as you can see above, there are only 5 days and 18 hours left for this ongoing season to end and so far, I have been able to collect 64 season chests and don't I can make it to even 80-85 season chests this time. I played over in my last playing season yesterday so much that even now my energy bar is recovering and right now sitting at 33 energies. I only collected 3 focus chests and stopped playing for the day. I have just decently bought a lot of cards but most of them were on cooldown, that is also why I chose to save energies today and playing heavily tomorrow again.

    Surely the Chaos cards were cheaper from the beginning and later they broke the floor due to over supply. But now with the Rebellion cardset, the things have turned upside down and the demand for cards are always high. There are no max cards available to rent or buy most of the time especially when looking at important rebel cards. So I was waiting for deals for wuite some time and when I saw the market have gotten some new max level Listings for sale, I found out many cards are available at better prices and ended up deciding to buy many of them. I almost spent around 1800$ just to buy max rebellion cards in these last 2 days and lets now see how competitive they can be in the arena.

    Moving on, let’s Come To the main part of this post as today, I will showcase and talk about my recent matches, where I used over 1800$ of money just to buy NFT cards. Isn't that wild ? But this time splinterlands ha curated these cards in such a way that no way they are going down in value even after months of releasing. The conflict airdrop mechanism is making most of the rebel card owners to lock-in their cards in wagons in the game in order to to earn chances for airdrop. so everybody is trying to get their hands on these high value airdrop cards. Now previously airdrop cards used to given to pack buyers who generally buy huge number of packs and for every airdrop card distribution, only how much packs one has bought would get considered and nothing else and that whole mechanism needed a change. With this new conflict mechanism, important factors about the game economy - like holding NFT assets for long term or to be an active daily players who locked in their cards in wagons are now appreciated well and given airdrop chances based on these factors. You must know that in the conflict airdrop mechanism, during the time the card stays locked in in wagon, it cant be delegated or rented, sold or bought or even burn it gets until unlocked from wagon. Though locking and unlocking cards from wagons are immediate tasks and cards don't get any type of cooldown timers on them For being locked in. However the wagon after each time You used it lock in or lock out cards, it will become unable to use for the next 15 mins.

    However, I bought a lots of rebel cards and the best buy in this lot was obviously the Mantaroth which I bought for 572$ for a max level 4 monster. I also have upgraded my Moxian Rebel to level 7 and have bought many common and rare cards along with it. I also am very happy to have total 3 common type summoners that costs only 2”3 mana to be used and these summoners supports cards from dual element in same Fight, so I am Very eager to try them Out. All the cards that I am talking here are mostly max level and I bought them using the monstermarket.io website to get instant 3% cashback, not to mention that I also bought my first epic card in this lot. Right now, I am making around 125k contribution points per hour. I hope I get enough chances before the next airdrop to get at least 3 cards, but lets see how it goes.

    I hope you liked reading my post. Have you also bought any rebel card recently? Then let me know in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post!

    Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

    Thanks for visiting my post, Please come again!
    Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands

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