in voilk •  4 months ago
    Putting yourself in another's shoe is probably the most impossible of all task. No one can completely know how another feels, we can only relate. In the year 2022 someone I know committed suicide. All the while I have only heard news of people who commit suicide, it was the first time it ever happened in my world. That singular incident changed my ideology about life, I realized that smiles do not always represent joyousness. One need to look beyond the smiles in people faces to realize their anguish.


    When I heard that Winner committed suicide, I of course wondered what would have caused her to take such an action. Though we were not best of friends, but she was a very cheerful and happy girl. So cheerful that no one in the neighborhood would speak of not knowing anything about her. She was friend to all, and that is probably what put her in trouble. Winner got pregnant, that is all we know about the reason why she committed suicide. What could have happened after discovering her pregnancy? What could have been the action of her parent? Nobody really knows, but the fact is that she must have been through serious emotional trauma, one that was only noticed by few. Who could have noticed that such a cheerful girl was in distress, I remember watching her laugh and play with a twin neighbor of our's a day before she died. Certainly, someone or persons must have seen, noticed or even have been told something. The right action from who ever must have been aware of her condition would have probably kept her alive.

    How often do you check on those around you? The song "Fame" by Adekule Gold expresses the possibility of being alone in the mist of many. Sometimes it takes more than just being around people to realize if they are hurt or not, one must be attentive to what goes on around him/her, only then would he/she realize the changes in those around him/her. Many are around friends, family or even lover but are still lonely. At least, the best you can do is to ensure that people do not feel lonely even in your presence. Though we cannot completely understand the pain those around go through, but we can at least share in them.

    The song "People" by Libianca paints a clear picture of what I am talking about here. We are in a world where people drown in sorrow without being noticed. People commit suicide on daily bases, some have lost it mentally and yet they are barely noticed by their loved ones. Friend and family even though they speak to their so called loved ones on daily bases tend to be completely distanced from their people. If it be the case that people will start paying more attention, become less distracted and realize the need to really care, their would probably be less suicides and even mental illnesses in the world. Always check on those around you, be very attentive even to their actions.

    Fame by Adekunle Gold


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