Women Are Beautiful On Short Hair || LOH #190

in voilk •  14 days ago

    Cutting off my hair is something that has always been on my mind for a long time. I really loved short hair right from my childhood. I love it because with short hair you can see your face clearly and look more attractive. I have always wanted to cut my hair short, but my mother is always against it. She always told me that I shouldn't cut it off, that it's beautiful. There was a time that I even begged her to please let me cut my hair because I'm no more comfortable with long hair, but my mother didn't agree.

    My mother is someone that likes long hair, and she believes that if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her. She wanted me to keep my hair natural as well, but I couldn't cope with it because anytime I loose it and leave it for more than a day without plaiting, it always pains me. Aside from that, whenever I put a relaxer on it, it always breaks and cuts off and this always makes me feel sad.

    In general, long hair has always been a problem for me. If my hair touches my skin it always scratches me, that is another reason why I don't like long hair. Whenever I plait it, I always feel a headache and sometimes, as a result of too much heat, my head always scratched me. I have tried several methods just to treat my hair, to prevent me from cutting it, but none of them worked.

    However, a few days after my wedding, I told my husband about it, and he gave me go ahead. The moment I finished cutting my hair, I was really happy, and I like my hair the length it is right now. I feel so relieved now, with short hair I could sleep and wake up in the morning without any headache. I never had to scratch my head again, and I just feel a lot better than before. I look younger, finer and I love the naturally black hair of mine but in this short form.

    Another reason why I prefer my short hair, is that it's easy to maintain. It requires less shampoo, conditioner, and styling products. It also saved me time and money. I only spent 1 dollar on getting my hair cut compared to long hair, which always costs me more than 5 dollars a week.

    With my short hair, I could boldly say that woman also looks best in short hair. We are beautiful whether we have short hair or long hair. We women are naturally beautiful.

    This my response to the question on ladies of hive community contest week #190

    Thanks for your time on my blog.

    All images used are mine

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