Sometimes, sympathy is all we can offer

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Have you ever been in a situation where you really want to help someone but you can't, simply because you don't have the necessary resources to help. Well I find myself in such situations almost all the time, but something about yesterday's own just kinda melted my heart.

    Photo by Nick Fewings

    Before my landlord died, he used to have a lady be the Caretaker of his building, but then this lady ended up not collecting all of the rents on time and he ended up firing her, hired someone else and then fired him before eventually losing his life and now his wife is in charge.

    Well I didn't know it then but apparently the reason why that lady was always bringing in the rents late was because people were always pleading with her to have mercy and give them more time, a request her gentle human heart always succumbed to and ended up making her lose her job. And now, years later after her leaving, things haven't really changed. People still owe rents but it's different this time.

    The landlady had announced her intentions of visiting this hostel tomorrow, a visit that would no doubt chase a lot of people from their homes, a visit that I really wish I could do something about to help these guys but can't.

    Earlier today I was on my way out when I saw one of the guys who hasn't paid his rent, lost in thoughts and oblivious to the things happening around him. It was one of those few situations where you get to see a movie scene in real life. You know, a person lost in thought and only brought back by someone else touching them or yelling out their name.

    Well I had asked him what the problem was and immediately he had opened up to me, telling me about how he had lost his job and now has no money for food or rent. It was one of those heart touching stories where even if I was hungry and had food on me, I would give him the food to eat due to how sad and emotional his story was.

    Unfortunately there was nothing I could do as paying his rent seem to be at the top of his priorities, a problem one simply cannot solve because of how expensive it is. I guess at the end of it all, I got to understand that although I might think my situation is bad, there's someone out there having it worse than I am and I should be thankful for the little I have.

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