Valentines at the Arcade

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Heya! How did you all spend your Valentines day? Our little family of 3 went out for a lunch date at one of our favorite restaurants at the mall. I just noticed that this year, there wasn't much of anything for Valentines day. Usually there are those big hearts, red decorations, fluffy toys, and flowers, and all that backdrops where loving couples could have their photos taken. The mall we went to usually has a Valentine concert prepared for the love season.

    I am undecided whether I should be delighted by it or not. I mean I have always thought that this day, the 14th of February usually means super crowded malls, overbooked restaurants, and heavy traffic all around the town. But seeing the mall today, it was a bit not too Valentines-y. Not much couples showing off their flowers and lovey-dovey looks in their eyes.

    Anyway, our little family still went ahead and enjoyed the day seeing that there weren't much people in the mall today. So we began the day with our 3rd Quarter exam in Character Education and English. The little learner did really great and was just happy to spend the rest of the day relaxing. Tomorrow she's going to have 2 more exams and then we're done with the quarter.

    Although we believe that everyday should be Valentines day and that everyday, we should show our love and affection to every one we love, I still took the time to create a bouquet for my little one since she loves flowers. Her Tatay gave her a lot - and I mean literally a lot - of chocolates. They both love chocolates so who am I to stop them from enjoying some sugary treats.

    After we had our lunch, our little Valentine still doesn't want to go home yet so we went strolling to the mall. And what better way to spend time with your loved ones but to play at Timezone. Did you know that they don't use tokens in that arcade house anymore? I can still remember the time when I and my college friends would go to the mall during our breaks and that one rich college friend buys us all tokens so we can go run around and play.

    Now, they have cards which records how much playtime or games you can play, plus it also holds the record of how much tickets you've already won so far. Imagine that, before, if you did not want to use your tickets to buy the prizes on the counter, you'll have to hold on to those tickets until you decide that you want to use them already. Now, you just keep that card and you're good to go.

    It was a great day. Not too Valentines-y like it used to be over the past years but still, since we're an everyday is Valentines day kind of of people, we are perfectly okay with it. I did see a few ladies with flowers but it makes me so happy to see that they were in there with their kid. I used to think that people lose their romantic side once they got kids but it's not true. I'm glad to see that there are families that make sure their kids see the love does not die down on their parents.

    So that's how we spent our Valentines day today. I'm not bummed out that much because there weren't much people in the mall. The little one got all her fun time at the arcade. Tatay took his time to take us out on a date. I'm not too crazy about Valentines day, but I am grateful that I have a spouse who takes the time to make us feel extra special today.


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