It´s Not Even ALT SZN - Why TF This Meme Muck?

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Okay, it´s Saturday morning and I just feel like a little POO Coin rant!
    So if you´re not up for it that is fine, just hit the (dis)like button and leave as I am preaching to my choir.

    Memes. they used to be the last place the money would trickle down to at the end of an ALT Season. But according to the metrics, ALT Season has not even started.


    It´s coming, I say we will see even bigger signals this weekend but if that´s not it, what the freckle is going on in the current market?

    Current Market

    Just look at the top 10 on coinmarketcap:


    DOGE poo on 9 and SHIB shit on 10, what the dreck is happening.
    Well in reality of course the answer is simple, welcome to crypto. Where it´s about the story, the community, and money. And definitely not about the quality of your project.

    One layer deeper lays a better answer, when did these memes start moving?









    There is a pattern there, they all started moving the last week of February.

    What Happened?

    I say Retail got in and this is why!


    It´s the exact same time as BTC breaking the 60K Resistance. This is when the media started rapping, and BTC was the talk of the town.
    I have been saying retail was not in......
    Coinbase app was still not in the top 200 and wasn´t crashing.

    It all started two weeks ago

    Not just any retail, these are the retail degens that made and lost a lot of money last time around. The retail berzerkers, they enter the market headfirst as soon as the BTC near ATH light starts flashing and the media starts spreading.

    They have no clue, no plan, but they know memes made them money last time. They look funny, and it´s easier to show and explain to your friends about a SOLAMA or A DOG WIF A Hat than to talk about how Render might change the future.
    And that shows like hell in the charts.

    Screenshot 2024-03-09 082517.png

    Now I am not sour at all, not even salty... And I still don´t like memecoins but that is my problem and I am trying to get over it. I really am. I saw this hype starting up and I was ready. I was holding my DOGE and my WIF.

    No big bags, but I bought low and sold my WIF at a 4X and I got my investment out of DOGE and let the rest ride just because Elon might say something stupid again soon, as it´s been a while.

    But the sidelines can be sour and salty and say stuff like:

    Screenshot 2024-03-08 082938.png

    What Goes Up Fast....

    It was Sir Isaac Newton who spoke those Iconic words... and only was slightly wrong.


    This rule indeed applies to almost anything, and based on my years of experience Memes pump hard, go up fast, and then do the Space X thing.

    Space s .jpg

    The Bright Side

    At the bright side, even retail degen berzerkers learn, it takes them a month or more but being in the crypto verse has that effect on people. They start to understand a bit about projects, protocols, and longer-term investments.

    Not too much because their attention span snaps back every other 30 TikTok seconds, but they will get there.


    Just Hodl and see all that berserker money flow into the ALT Space in the next six months, and being my exit liquidity. Play the game, don´t be the game.

    My unpopular opinion, Memes are there to get the money flowing into crypto, they draw in the crowds, and they run out of fuel six weeks from now max. And by then the earnings are coming into the market and ALTS will boom.

    NFA feel free to see your SHIB and SOLAMA as the investment of a lifetime, as your retirement plan.

    I am totally fine with that. But just a minor suggestion, think about the future of a meme coin as well, the long-term potential, the use case, and if they all make sense; hodl to the moon my friend.

    Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

    [Source Pic](All pics by MYI & AI unless watermarked or mentioned)

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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