Crypto Rollercoaster .:. MyHiveGoals 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    When crypto goes down, it isn't good... We are waiting for it to hit rock bottom and finally turn up... If you are a newbie, you will get hundreds of times the temptation to sell your tokens as you will be freaking out about how the price will go to zero and asking questions like... Why did I even start with crypto? All this is just a Ponzi scheme... My mom told me not to waste time with this shit, etc. 😃

    When it finally turns up, you begin to think to take some profits... Some people will sell it on the slightest pump, and miss the whole bull market, others will start dreaming about Lambos, houses, vacations... It goes up! It will go to 250K USD (BTC), YT influencers told me that! It has to be like that! In 2-3 months I will be rich! It went to 20K in 2 weeks, multiplied by 12 weeks in 3 months, which means it will be a minimum of 250K at the end of May! I will sell the top and be rich! 😂

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    And then, the days like these will come... Price is going one step up and two steps down... Days are passing slowly like years... Why it doesn't pump as 2-3 weeks ago? Why those ETFs don't buy more? Maybe it will not go up anymore? Maybe this is the top?

    Oh, look at these meme coins! They are pumping like crazy! I should exchange my hard-earned crypto that I was accumulating for years into 10 crypto and one will FOR SURE go to the MOON!

    And you will "diversify" your blue-chip tokens (BTC, ETH, or HIVE), into a bunch of meme coins, shittokens, and new AI projects that ONLY YOU know about as you heard it from a Youtuber and you are an early bird... Of course, that's not the case and at the end of all the euphoria, you will finish with a bunch of worthless tokens at the end of the bull market as the bear comes slowly, you don't even notice it... And eats your bags without noticing as you are repeating the mantra... Tomorrow will turn the price UP, there is no way that the bull market is over...

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    What I described isn't a fiction story... It's something that happens (and happened) to many people including myself! I was exactly like that at the peak in 2017 and in the first months of 2018... Indeed, there wasn't a meme coin mania in those days, but I remember well that there were a lot of new, promising "ETH-killer" blockchains built, and I was in tons of Discord servers, searching for "diamonds"... Which in the end, stayed what they were at the beginning... Just a piece of carbon...

    As I learned the lesson (am I? 😃), I have narrowed my crypto portfolio and trying very hard to not expand it too much! That is one of the reasons why #MyHiveGoals contains only 3 things...

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    Darn! That Hivestats chart doesn't look as steep as it was before... The last 3-4 dots don't go straight up as before... That is the consequence of less content published in the previous period, but it wasn't better in the current week too... 🙁 As there was no price action, I got bored and I was researching many crypto projects... And that takes a LOOOOOOT of time...

    It's time to update the numbers and put them into the spreadsheet until the next week! So, freshly updated numbers for #MyHIVEGoals, on March 24th, 2024 are:


    As the last #MyHiveGoals report was 14 days ago, this isn't a weekly data but rather bi-weekly progress... First thing first... I have added "only" 510 HivePower to my main goal, which is less than the last time, and under my "needed" amount for reaching my yearly goal... A bit more than 250 HP per week when I need 100 HP more! Maybe we will have another "fullback" and a chance to get some cheap HIVE in the next few days?

    My second goal is growing my liquidity in the SWAP.HIVE:LEN liquidity pool on the Hive-Engine... The truth is that I can "cheat" with this goal by delegating HP to @liotes.voter, which pays daily dividends in LEN tokens... But, there is another problem... The LEN token is going up in value and it is harder to grow that share in the pool! Also, when you are adding liquidity to some pool, you need TWO assets to pair, which means that I have to lock some SWAP.HIVE too...

    So, maybe the idea of following the SWAP.HIVE:LEN shares number wasn't the best idea... lol... Anyway, I'm not quitting! In the last 14 days, I have added 98 shares, which is 30 shares less than in the last report!! I was paying out LEN tokens as a bonus to my WORKERBEE delegators and that part is also missing... We will see how it goes in the next weeks... I didn't expect that this goal would be so challenging...

    And lastly, the most relaxing is my Rising Star goal as I'm doing pretty well with accumulating those NFTs from the game! It is turning into the snowball effect as having more cards adds more to stats in the game... That creates higher income, which I use for buying new cards, and also, higher SKILL XP that is lowering my EGO in the game... That also helps in pushing all the numbers up!

    In two weeks, I have added almost 1500 cards to my collection!!! Almost the same amount as last time...

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    These were my initial numbers and goals for 2024, created on January 7th, 2024...

    MyHiveGoals 2024 Edition - The Beginning!

    Join me in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! It is fun, motivating, and will keep you focused!

    Thank you for your time,


    PS. None of this is financial advice of any kind...

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    👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

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    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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