Never Again | Creative Nonfiction

in voilk •  15 days ago

    “Are you mad? Can't you do these simple tasks? And many more…..” when the 70-year-old man said these while shouting at me I got so furious that I felt like giving a punch straight at his nose. I put down my pen, threw the papers on the ground, stepped two steps backward, brought out my phone and called my father. All the surrounding people started gazing at us to know what happened as he had yelled quite loudly.

    “Where did you send me? And who the hell is this Mr. X he is yelling at me for what I have never done nor I do understand and blah… blah… blah…” over the phone while controlling my anger.

    📸 Antonio Ristallo

    The thing is, I was sent to the Judicial Court for some documentary work that I don't understand at all. The person I met there was an assistant of someone, a very angry, frustrated, wicked man.

    People doing something 24/7 often forget that someone with zero idea might not get things properly if they aren’t guided enough. I was given a few papers with different sizes and contents, they were supposed to be arranged differently as per their categories that I don't even understand. He just instructed me and walked away, I was clueless on what's what and what to do with them. I was waiting there for him to return so that I could ask him once again. Once he came, he started yelling at me even before I could ask him about the papers.

    He was about to say something when I couldn't stop myself from talking and said, “How dare you shout at me? Did you guide me on what to do? Did you? You walked away giving me these papers, what I am supposed to do with them that I am seeing for the first time in my life.” from the distance I just said these with a louder voice putting the phone in my pocket. I was mad as well. Within two minutes his phone rang and I knew it was my father,

    Meanwhile, three or more officers gathered here and asked me what happened. I got furious all of a sudden and just gave them a wild look with my eyes red. They could clearly see me boiling with anger.

    He came near me, “Ayee gentleman, I am sorry, I was angry since morning with numerous things and didn’t realise you aren't someone from here, I should have guided you properly.”

    Another uncle came to me and said, “Come here, I know your father. Lemme help you with this.”

    The environment got changed, and my father called them and asked about their behavior. He was ashamed as well for reacting like this and now that everyone is getting sympathetic towards me is making me more and more uncomfortable. I wish I could walk out of this building right now but I can't as I need to get it done within today and father is out of the city.

    I had to stay there for more than an hour after the incident. This kinda messy place is not for me, the rush of people and tons of paperwork. Everyone is running like machines and talking non-stop. No way I was suitable for such a place, I was feeling like a fish out of water.

    After an awkward hour, it was done. Before stepping out, I approached him and said, “When someone unfamiliar with this place and its works comes for service, try to be polite and helpful towards them. There will also be some places unknown to you and you will need help not such rude behaviors. And I apologize for my misbehaves as well.” I never encountered that man again nor I did go there, that's not my place so better not step again.

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