Why fit in, when we are born to stand out.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    There are times when our our acts were completelly depends upon other decision or choices. Or we can say we generally carried away with other people choices. No matter how those things will affect us in long run. Humans are always quick to make anyone their role model. May be it a sports star or film actress. They try to replicate what they used to do in their life. Such things also happens in our society where a person is quick to idolises someone in the society. They are quick to get influenced by them and do things which they are habitual to. Without giving consideration how those acts will influence them.

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    Such situation are too common among the teens who were still stepping their foots on to the big world stage. When a person get influeced by closeby peers, social groups or members are termed as peer pressure. Such kind things can be quite challenging for the teens. Unable to understand the correctness of the act peers can pressure kids or teens into doing things which they are uncomfortable with. Or it may happen than the kids gets fascinated with such things to indulge into such acts. For example, peers might pressure teenagers to drink, to smoke or to part with them.in quarrel or take dangerous stunts while driving.

    On the other hand, it may create some fair amount of positive effects. When a person were inflenced by good deeds of the Peers. It can lead person to treat each other with kindness, fairness, and friendship. It all depends how a person get them influenced. It may end up in positive aspect or in most cases negative aspect.

    There was a time when I was carried away once and drank a jar of beer in a gulp. Just because it was a challenge thrown to me by my friends. Without realising the effects of such acts. I made it possible. But it was an act outside my limit, which causes me adversely. At the same time I set some nice example for my peers to get into social act of kindness by helping out doors on the street. Even though my friends were not part of it, but soon get involved and we helped a number of the people on the street.

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    The main reason why we try to put into other shoes is because we want to fit in. We might give up to peer pressure because we want to be liked or fit in. As generslly be the case with teens. Just to make their presence felt, they are unaware of the results. They wanted to try something that others are doing, and they easily get carried away with such acts. The best way to cope up with the peer pressure is to understand your limit and never try to.imitiatate others. A sense of self confidence is enough to take on to the peer pressure. I remember an instance, when my friends were asking me to take alcohol. While I am most content with a bootle of beer. I know my limits, alcohol can easily affects me. And I never get under my friends pressure. Even todsy, when we assemble, they bring separate beer bootle for me rather than whiskey. It was my choice, not to carried away and it helps. Neither I lost interest among my friends nor they dislike me of not being one of them (whiskey lover).

    It all ends up to what we want in life. I alwsys belive to be accepted in the society as I have been to. I don't want to make changes in my behaviours attitude or character, just because other wanted me to do. I never want them to change too. Respect each other and live happily. Live life in own terms.

    This is my Day 11 entry for Inleo Writing Prompt for thr m/o April.


    Namaste @steemflow

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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